Closer than you think.

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We walked across a board that connected two buildings. We came up to a small door.

"Careful." Glenn unlatched the door.

I smirked at him and he grabbed my hand helping me down. I won't admit it out loud but Glenn was pretty cute.

We walked down a dark hallway. Rick grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me behind him.

"What?" I whispered.

He just glared at me and looked back forward.

I knew what he meant I still rolled my eyes and scoffed. I don't know why Rick was so erie of him. I mean he didn't have to save us.

We arrived to a set of doors. Glenn knocked and we were quickly shuffled in. We were greeted by a gun in our face, "look at what you did!" A woman screamed at us. Rick placed his hands in the air.

"Excuse me." I pushed her gun away. "We didn't do shit. I don't know if you noticed but they're everywhere." I moved up into her face.

Rick quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me back, "Easy darling." He held me back.

I scowled at her in a low tone and she walked away crying. What a baby.

"We have some food if you guys are hungry." Glenn smiled.

I ran after him, "Glenn?"

"Yeah." He said with a smile.

"I just have a question. Have you seen this woman?" I pulled out the picture of my mother and I.

He carefully examined it, "no I haven't. But don't lose hope. I'm sure you'll find her." He patted my back.

I gave him a half smile and walked away. I came into a shop and walked around looking at everything. I suddenly noticed a small necklace hanging on a rack. I smiled once I ran it across my hand and felt every inch of it. I soon noticed I was being watched. I quickly turned around to see Rick.

"Planning on stealing it?" He smiled.

I just laughed, "maybe."

It was quiet until I spoke up again, "my mom had a weird fascination with angel wings. And I guess it just reminded me of her." My smile slowly faded.

I felt a hand on my back, "I know that things don't look good now Lacey. I know that you will find her. And if we find her..." He cleared his throat, "dead.. Then I will be here for you."

I turned around a hugged Rick, "thank you Rick. For everything."

The doors began to shake violently and we look to see that zombies began to pile up.

"Glenn!" I yelled.

He quickly ran down the stairs, "upstairs now!"

We ran up the stairs and out a door.

"We are safe on the roof." Glenn said panting.

Rick and I walked towards the edge of the building to see that the streets and alleys all around the store were overrun with zombies.

"Fuck." I groaned. "Looks like we are going to be stuck here for awhile."

Rick grabbed my shoulder, "might as well get comfortable."

I found a corner on the roof and dug through my bag, pulling out pictures of my mother and I. I ran my finger over her face and I felt tears form. Hold it back Lacey. You're stronger than this.

"Hey." I hear a sweet voice call.

I looked up to see Glenn with his arms behind his back.

"I uh... I found a blanket and pillow..for you."

I smiled, "thanks Glenn."

He sat down next to me, "whose that?" He said pointing to my picture.

"My mom. I left her the day before all this happened." I grabbed my sleeve and wiped my eyes. I can't hold the tears anymore. I felt an arm slip around my waist and pull me closer. I moved towards him and placed my head on his shoulder.

"It's okay. It'll all be okay." He rubbed my back trying to comfort me as much as possible.

I was in complete shock. I've never had anyone treat me like this. Ever. He doesn't even know me and he's comforting me. He's treating me like I'm a close friend. The tears kept streaming down my face. He wiped them away and looked in my eyes,

"I promise you that I'll never leave your side." He smiled, "we've got each other now. Okay?"

I nodded my head, "how come you're treating me like this?"

He looked down, "I know what it feels like to have no hope. I lost my family and I know for a fact that I'll never find them. I don't want you to feel like I do."

I hugged him tight and laid my head down, I closed my eyes as Glenn continued to rub my back. "You're safe and sound now Lacey. I promise." And with that I drifted off. Dreams of my mother and she was happy. I was happy.

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