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Glenn grabbed my hand and pulled me back towards my little makeshift bed. "Lay down." He insisted.

I nodded my head and sat back down on the ground. I curled up into a ball and held my knees. He sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"I'm staying up and watching. Don't worry you can sleep. Nothing will bother you." He moved my hair behind my ear. And continued to rub my back after. I closed my eyes and drifted into my thoughts.

Why was he treating me like this? We just met each other. He barely knows me. It makes no sense at all. I won't turn him away because it really feels nice having the comfort and a person to be there with you. It's weird how given circumstances bring people together quicker. I guarantee if he knew my past he wouldn't like me. He needs a good girl and he thinks that's what I am. I started to think of my father as well. I really hope he's okay. It would be horrible to never get the opportunity to meet him.

I slowly let the darkness and sleepiness consume me and I fell asleep quickly and peacefully.

I awoke the next morning to find no Glenn. I somewhat panicked and looked around for others. Did they leave me!? I sat up and only saw Merle. I quickly jumped up and grabbed my bag and journal. I ran downstairs and saw no one. Tears started forming. I ran towards the back door and ran into someone.

"Hey!" It was Glenn. He grabbed my face. "What's wrong?" I blinked my tears away.

"Thought I was left behind." I looked down.

"Never. I can promise you that." He reassured me.

I smiled and he grabbed my hand. He pulled me towards the back room. I saw all the group in a circle talking.

"..we can run to it and we need it. We've got to get out of here before they break through." Rick insisted.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Trying to get a vehicle to get back to the rest of our group." A man spoke.

"Oh." I mumbled.

"Lacey. This is t-dog, Andrea, Jacqui, morales, and Jim." Rick introduces the group.

"Hi, I'm Lacey." I give a slight smile.

They all greet me and continue to talk about the matter at hand.

"There's a truck that we could all use. Glenn and I can go make a run for it. I have an idea." Rick walked towards the exit and dragged in one of the dead zombies.

"Lacey go grab me two trench coats." Rick ordered.

I ran towards the small store and grabbed them and ran back.

"Here." I tossed him the jackets. He handed Glenn one and than did something completely unpredictable. He took an axe and started chopping the zombie to bits. He rubbed the blood all over his trench coat. Guts covered the coat.

"Come on Glenn." Rick yelled.

I was hesitant to let go of Glenn's hand. He pulled away and walked over and started rubbing it all over. They were covered head to toe with guts.

"We will sneak past them and get into the truck. We will come back be ready at the loading dock. We are grabbing you and leaving." Rick pushed the door open. "Lacey come here." I walked over and Rick placed the handcuff keys in my hands. "Your call darlin." He turned and walked out.

Glenn looked back at me and smiled, "it'll be okay." He mouthed. And with that he walked out.

T-Dog, Morales, Andrea, Jacqui, and I race to the roof to follow Rick and Glenn with a pair of binoculars. "There they are!" yelled Andrea. "They're doing it." Morales shook his head. T-Dog tried a radio to get into contact with their camp. He kept shouting into it with no response.

"What's goin on!?" Merle yells.

T-dog rolled his eyes, "Glenn and Rick our out there tryin to get us a ride. We need to get out of here."

Merle scoffs, "That asshole's out on the street with the handcuff keys?"

I cleared my throat. I held up the keys and dangled them tauntingly. Merle's face dropped at the sight of them. "No this asshole has them." I smirked.

I felt a drop of water hit my face. "Oh shit."

The group looked up to see a large storm cloud moving in. "It's just a cloudburst. It'll pass over quickly." Morale yelled.

Within minutes the sky opened up and poured. The rain came down quickly. Rick and Glenn picked up their pace and then it happened. The zombies started to catch on and Rick started attacking. They ran towards the truck and jumped the fence. We watched as they blasted through the fence and drove away from us.

"Are they leaving us!?" I yelled.

We all panicked and grabbed the radio.

"Where you goin!?" T-dog yelled.

"We're getting this hoard away from the department store." Glenn pages back. "Go down to the door now!"

Everyone quickly grabbed their things and made their way towards the exit.

"Hey girl what about me!?" Merle yelled.

I grabbed my bag and headed towards the door. I slammed it and then turned back around feeling guilt overcome me. I couldn't leave him to die. I rushed back out and ran towards him. I slipped across the wood and fell. The key flew out of my hand and flew right into a drain.

"You did that on purpose!" Merle screamed. "Help me!" He shook the cuffs.

"I'm sorry! I have to go!" I yelled. I felt horrible but I'm not getting left behind with him.

I ran down the stairs clutching my bag. The zombies had pushed there way through the front doors right as im walked by. I screamed and ran towards the back room. They followed and busted through everything.

"Hurry!" T-dog yelled.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back of the truck. He slammed the door shut and I laid back.

"I dropped the keys." I stuttered. Everyone looked towards me with guilt. I just killed a man. I felt the guilt ingulf me. I looked for my safety net. He was no where to be found.

"Where's Glenn?!" I yelled. No he can't leave me. I need him. He said he'd always be with me. I need his comfort.

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