broken down car.

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"Danny would I be able to borrow your car tomorrow?" I pleaded. "Why?" He seemed pissed. "I need to go meet someone." "You have a new boy, huh?" "No! What the fuck?!" I cocked my attitude. "I bet you do." He got up and started walking towards me. "No I fucking don't!" "What's his name?" He pushes me back. "Leave me alone." I pushed back. His fist swung and hit my chin. "Fuck you Danny." I spit blood on him and ran out with my bag. "Fuck." I started running towards my home. When I looked up towards the sky about five helicopters flew past and towards the city. "What the hell is going on?" I whispered to myself. I walked up to the front door and looked in to see my mother fucking some guy on the couch. "Typical." I sighed and slouched down onto the doorstep. I grabbed my birth certificate out of my pocket and looked at the name again. "Dad." I mumbled. I quickly got up and threw my bag in my mothers car. "Okay, we go!" I bolted threw the front door and snatched the keys off the counter. I slammed the door shut, "Lacey!" I hear my mother yell. I jump in and turn the keys in the ignition and peel out of the drive. I had the biggest smile on my face for once as I cruised down the road. Only 30 minutes to go and maybe I could start a new life. I rolled down my window and cranked up the radio. I screamed with joy at the top of my lungs. I'm a free woman. I pulled onto the old freeway and pushed it full throttle. I looked at the speedometer and I was topped out at 90mph. I couldn't help but keep that huge grin on my face. "Fuck you Atlanta!" I screamed while looking back at the city. "I'm free!" of course that joy didn't last for too long. About 15 minutes into the ride the car started to slow down and putter. "Fuck!" I looked at the dashboard. "Fuck mom! Why don't you ever fill up your car!" I screamed. I started punching the steering wheel screaming. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I couldn't hold back the tears. "Why does this shit always happen to me!" I looked at the clock. It was 2 am and pretty dark. There was no way I'd make it right now if I walked. I'll just have to crash here and hope someone comes along by soon. I crawled in the backseat and covered myself with a blanket trying to stay warm. I grabbed my diary out of my bag and pen.
I found out about a lot since I last wrote in you. Well to start, I know who my real father is. His name is Shane Walsh. He's a sheriff, which is funny. I wonder how he will feel about my past. Hopefully I can find him and he still remembers me. I finally see a light of hope and I'm really happy because I might be able to start a new life. Hopefully my father is nothing like my mother. Hopefully he will actually love me. I don't want this darkness in my life anymore. I need a little light or I may relapse again.
Until next time, L
I slipped into the darkness hoping to awaken to a better day.

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