Chapter 4

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Hey!!! my lovey dovey readers I'm back with a another chappy of my book so read it soon.....

my pre board is just ended yesterday so i get a time to right it so sorry for late update but see i can't do any thing in this

words: 1938

Happy reading!!!!!😊☺☺😇


Paras's POV

OMG!!! I got gobsmacked after seeing the view in front of me... I'm seeing her after so long time am i dreaming or what???

"Ro, pinch me yaar!!!!"

i came out of my trance hearing abhi's voice i turned to his side to see his mouth wide open enough to hit it on ground!!!


He asked abhi without blink his eyes from the sight i looked to my surrounding to see everyone is hell shocked i want to laugh after seeing everyone's face as if they seen a ghost!!!

i go towards abhi and pinched hard on his left arm he shreiked in pain and passed me a glared

"why?? You pinched me so hard idiot!!!"

he said it so loud that everyone is looking at us in surprised way

"it's not my fault you only said that pinched me so i did"

i said him nonanchtically and looked towards the stage to see both ishu and akshu is coming towards us

"Sary u know everything right that she's coming today??"

abhi asked to sary i have also the same question to ask but this sary grinned like two year old baby who just got her favourite candy stupid!!!

"yess!!!! i know everything ishu only said me that don't inform to u all so i didn't."

sary said us normally and ishu nodded her head in yes what the!!! is she is planning to give us a heartattack whatever we are happy that she came....

"whatever!!! I'm happy that you came MY CRIME PARTNER!!!"

abhi said happily and give ishu a bone crushing hug who will said that he's a CEO of a NOOR DIAMONDS he behaves like a child

ishu: leave me u stupid!!! or else i'll die here only!!!

ishu said very difficultlly and tried to get out of his grip but all in vain i looked at yuvi he winked his eyes on me now i get it what we have to do her punishment we all hugged her in one go this is called our PUNISHMENT HUG and she deserve this....

"lea... leave me yaar!!!ple... please "

ishu said us by choking on her words then we decided to leave her

"It's your punishment got it!!"

vish said in a fake anger and we nooded our head in yes i looked at ro he behaved weird god knows what happend to him.....

After the cake cutting we all couples went to towards the stage for couple dance  except ro and ishu ro went outside to attend his some business call and ishu said that she's tired they both behaved so weired in eachothers surrounding.....

After the dance we are talking with each other in a group all of a sudden i heard sary's voice

"So guyz!!! thaks alot!!! for coming here to be a part of our friends happy moment so i think u all are very hungry cause me too..."

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