Chapter 55

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Hey Loveliess!!

Happy Reading 🤪


I wish some nights

Lasted forever....❤

~Ishana & Rohan

After two days.....


Rohan's POV

What should I gift to Mom....???? Ughh!!!! I can't cook anything? I can't sew anything like Di? Even I don't want to spoil her excitement by doing it..... Then What? What?

Should I buy her favourite perfume like Mansi said??? Even this Mental is not answering my calls

My phone pinged with a message as I took it from my bed's side table to check

I: Sorry I was in conference video call with my brother that's why I didn't attend your calls...... While talking I got an idea.

Wowwww! Here I'm waiting for her idea and she's busy with her brother....... What so special is there in her family and brothers??? Usually we all always tries to stay away from them not cause we don't love them but it's just we don't want to hear an earful from our guardians about studies or any other things

R: It's Okay! Say!

I: Do you have yours' parents wedding pictures?? And your or your sister childhood pictures with your parents??? Now, with you!

Wait ... What?? Don't tell me she'll make any common photo frames.... Those are so boring and outdated!

R: I'm not going to make any stupid photo frames with it. 😑😶

I: Shut up! And Don't use your brain that much..... In which you lacks.... 🤭

This girl!

I: Go and search for those pictures and if possible then collect there before marriage pictures I mean with your mom's maternal family or their wedding functions.

R: Right now?!!! 😱

I: Yes!!! You've only 2 hours after searching them come to my place at 02:00 pm. Bye!!!!

I: One more thing if you can't reach here by 2 then forget about my help

What??? 2 hours only??? It's already 12:13 pm..... Arghhhh!

I fastly walk downstairs towards Mom's Room as I checked the room she's not here after confirming I searched the small drawers and shelves for those albums

Previously, years back, in weekends we used to have a look of those albums as Mom loves to tell US about her college days and early married life now it's all gone.....

God knows what that girl is planning! Her brain always work on twisted paths.... What she'll do with these pictures???

After searching the whole room I didn't get anything the only place left is walk-in closet and cupboards

"What are you doing here, my lovely son?" I heard the voice I know who's it

"Came to make you bankrupt.... By stealing all money from the locker" I replied sarcastically

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