Chapter 24

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Hey Lovelies !!!!! ❤❤

Happy Reading 😄


Author's POV

Rohan gulped down the heaviness as he can see the all angry looks on Akshu's face as she's ready to kill someone mercilessly

"Oh God !!!!" Rohan mumbled under his breath

He took two steps towards them but he stopped as he saw Ritesh and Sanjay came out of Principal Room and looked towards him

Sanjay just gritted his teeth and marched towards him and dragged him at a corner side and Ritesh followed them

"Hey Sanjay! Leave me I've to talk with her" Rohan protested but it's of no use

"Why? What you want to talk with her ?" Sanjay gritted out

"Look! I know cause of me you both ended up in this situation trust me I just came here to help you out you both and it can be possible when I'll confess the truth.... Okay so let me go!" Rohan said making them understand the situation

"Oh really! Now you remember this ?" Sanjay sneered out at Rohan

"Listen! Let me go Sanjay it's needed!" Rohan said and tried to take a step ahead but Sanjay jerked him back angrily

"Sanjay stop it! It's not only Rohan's fault it's our too! We're not some saint!" Ritesh pointed out the truth making them shut their mouth

"And Rohan.... I know when I saw you here I get to know that you came here for this only" Ritesh said

"But it's no need!" Ritesh said and smiled lowly

"What? Why ? It's my fault I won't let you both suffer on this cause of my silly mistake" Rohan said and shook his head vigouresly

"Rohan! Rohan! Calm down man! Listen to me first" Ritesh said to Rohan

"She already saved US" Sanjay blurted out

"WHAT ??" Rohan's eyes popped out from it's socket

"Yep!" Ritesh said with a gentle smile


"Yes! Yeah!" The only word came out from Suraj's mouth

"You're the trustee of this college so in their TC your signed is needed but before that I want to say you something May I?" Ishu said polietly and make sure that her each and every word is audible to them

"What ? What you want to say ?" Dean asked frowningly

Raj looked at his daughter with an angry face to make her shut her mouth but it's doesn't work she just shifted her gaze towards Suraj who's looking at this father-daughter duo forth and back

"Sir... I guess they really didn't did anything" Ishu said but at her statement Raj scoffed irritatedly

"But now only...." Princi started but Ishu cut-off her

"Mam! Let me end it first..... I heard that you've a CCTV fottage with you..... I don't know about Ritesh cause he's not with Sanjay that time so I can't say anything on this topic

But Mam! About Sanjay we all know that from that corridor to that room it only takes 5 mins to reach but I walk fast that side without noticing anything so must if he following me thanhow come he locked me in that room in less than 5 mins" Ishu pointed out a question

"Stop making puzzles Ishana!" This time Raj open his mouth in an authorative tone but he surprssed his annoyance in it

"Sir..... I want to say that he tried to play a prank on me so if they knows that they closed me in that room so they should open that room in a right time cause they only want to scare me up..... so why they left from there like that ?" Ishu again said

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