Chapter 19

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Hey lovelies !!!❤

Happy Reading 😄

Not edited..... If there some spelling mistakes then pardon me....


Rohan's POV

How dare she.... !! How dare she to insult me like this..... !!!

The nerves of that mere fucking girl..... !!!!

What she thinks herself Queen Victoria ??? My foot !!!

"I have some taste and standards..... you don't come in rejected list of mine....." I repeated those lines in my mind

Ughhh !!!!

I'm feeling like to kill someone...... !

Let's kill her all for once the matter will end here only..... What say ???

"Rot in hell !! Calm down Rohan as it's your fault you drag her in between all this" My heart said

"Yeah Right...!" I replied

"What Right ? Nothing is right as she don't have any rights to insult you like this in front of everyone" My mind stated

"Exactly! That's what I'm saying" I replied

"No don't do this Rohan" My heart again said

"Shut up! I'm with you.... let's teach her a lesson.... Make her beg infront of you" My mind said

"Yes! I'll do that only" I determined in this

Ishana !! You also don't know what is going to knock at your door....!! I won't leave you I'll take my revenge...... Just wait and watch !

No one dares to insult me like this in my whole life and that mere girl..... I'll make her life a living hell !

The time I met with her every single fucking things are happening wrong in my life today is the worst day of my life first my phone which halfly dead by her..... then she fighted with me in cafeteria then again in classroom top of it infront of that Mohona..... Just cause of her that Idiotic stupid Mohona called me scroundel

She is really a witch..... A damn witch who spelled and did black magic on my friends..... she became so friendly with everyone in this short span of time Nonsense...... !!!!

I'll make sure to bring her real face infront of my dearest dumb friends.... infront of Akshu also

I'm feeling a burning sensation inside me. My whole body is shivering in anger..... I need to divert my mind or else it will burst in seconds if it continueously thumping like this I'll go mad in this speed

Why the hell I'm wasting my precious time about thinking on her ?????

I'm pulling out my hairs but in frustation and it's hurting me only

I need a hard release..... A release from my all frustations, outburst and need a relax mind to think on some plan to punish that Idiot blind girl

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