Chapter 25

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Hey Lovelies !!!💜❤

Sorry for the late update but I can't do anything in this....

As I'm not getting appropiate votes or comments so it's not encouraging me to give an update

And too I'm going through some personal stuffs so I was busy on this

Happy Reading 😄


Author's POV

Akshu and Ishu left the place and decseaned the stairs while they saw an Angry Abhi who's glaring Sanjay and Ritesh and Paras and Rohan is standing between them

"What's happening ?" Akshu whispered

"No idea!" Ishu whisper back

"How could you do this Ritesh ??" Yuvi spatt in disgust

"Guyzz !! Calm down, and listen to me first !" Rohan stops Abhi who's snarling like a mad bull

"Just move aside Rohan!" Paras said coldly

"Hey boys! What happened ?" Ishu came betwen Abhi and Ritesh

"What you did in Principal Room ? Why you safeguard them ?" Abhi asked her supressing his anger

"Calm Down Rajput! Calm down! Breathe In and Out!" Ishu said him while patting on his chest above his heart

Paras and Yuvi rolled their eyes on it and Abhi spank her hand   "Will you stop this ?!" Vish spatt on Ishu

"Look! It happen with me right ? So I can say it very well and listen me Ritesh have nothing to do with it cause it's only Sanjay who said me the wrong direction maybe he's lying ??" Everyone's eyes snapped towards Sanjay in secs except Rohan who's gawking at Ishu like a hawk with unbelivable looks

Sanjay scoffed in fear to deny the question "I didn't said that he did! Did I ?" Ishu comented again Abhi passed a sulking frowned face

"I'm saying that yes! Sanjay said me the wrong direction but he didn't locked me there and its already proved by me and Ritesh is nowhere in the scene" Ishu said looking at each one of them

Abhi looked at Akshu while she just nodded her head in 'YES'

"Ishana! I'm Sorry for that and Thanks!" Ritesh muttered slowly


Everyone's eyes popped out as Ishu smacked right across his face her hand passed a current making her body shiver lightly

As she can feel the force of her slap on Ritesh's face which became slightest red just cause few minutes back Akshu too slaped him on the same side

"Ouch!" Saransh voiced out with a flinced way and Sanjay gulped visibly

"Ahhh!! It hurts girl!" Ritesh said while rubbing his cheeks

"That's why people slapped I guess for giving a hurt" Ishu said

"I slapped you with a reasons first, Because of you both I suffered yesterday and second, I can't slap Sanjay as he's my Senior and I respect that fact" Ishu said looking at Ritesh then her gaze shift towards Sanjay

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