California (Part 24)

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*Callie is around 18 weeks pregnant*

Y/n's POV: the next morning

When I woke up the next morning, I was surprisingly happy. We were leaving for California today. Then, thoughts about the adoption filled my head AGAIN. But, I wouldn't let my worries and doubts ruin our vacation, so I shoved them deep down.

It was around 7:30 and we would be leaving around 10. Even though everything was already packed and I could go back to sleep for a little while longer, I went out to go watch tv in the living room.

I was expecting no one to be up already since we were up pretty late last night and I know both my moms enjoyed their sleep.

I slid out of bed, slipped on my slippers, grabbed my phone, and walked out of my bedroom. The instant I opened my door, the strong smell of coffee flooded over me. Surprisingly, my moms were both already up. They were both laying on the couch with a random tv show on.

As I walked over and sat in the chair next to the couch, I noticed how tired mom looked.  She was laying with her feet up on the haysack, rubbing her bump with her hand. Mama was sitting right next to mom, leaning close to her bump. Her hand was gently rubbing mom's belly.

I looked towards mom and asked, "Are you ok? You look exhausted"

She said, "The baby kept me up all night kicking. It still is now. It seems like when I try to talk to it and calm it down, it kicks harder. Mama can't even get them to calm down in there"

She looked so tired, I just wanted to help. I looked towards her and said, "I can try, if you want"

She faintly smiled at me and said, "That would mean a lot, thank you"

"You don't have to thank me," I said as I walked over towards the couch. Mama scooted over so I could sit in between her and mom. I leaned down towards mom's belly as she moved to try and get comfortable.

I leaned down so my head was close to her bump and gently placed my hand on her stomach. As I talked, I rubbed her belly.

Mom closed her eyes as I softly talked to the baby. I said, "Hey there, little one. It's y/n. Can you try to relax for our mom in there? She's really tired and would love to be able to relax for a little while. I'm so excited to meet you in a few months! We all are. You're moms love you so so much and they can't wait to be able to hold you..."

Mama held her hand on my back as I talked to the baby. I paused and looked up at mom to see whether I was helping or not.

With her eyes still closed, she said, "It's working! Keep talking"

I turned around to look towards mama who smiled at me and said, "You must be the baby whisperer!"

I laughed and then turned back towards mom. I leaned down and gently rested my head on mom's bump as I continued to softly talk to the baby. I told the baby all about home school, my classes, the hospital, its future aunts and uncles, and how amazing their moms' are.

Eventually, mom fell asleep. I stopped talking just to make sure I wouldn't wake mom up. I still laid there with my head on her bump and continued to rub my hand back and forth in hopes the baby would let her sleep. Mama slowly and quietly leaned down and kissed mom's bump and then kissed me on the forehead.

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