Recovery (Part 29)

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Y/n's POV: that night

After momma had calmed me down, I fell asleep laying in her arms. When I woke up a few hours later, my head was rested on momma's chest with her arms still tightly wrapped around me.

Everyone came to my room and talked to me. Uncle Alex stayed for hours and even though I told him he didn't need to stay with me, he stayed and sat next to my bed.

Momma told me that mom was ok and that she didn't have any major injuries. And then she told me about the baby and how mom had to stay in the hospital for weeks so that the baby could be closely monitored.

When she told me this, I was terrified. The baby had to be ok, it had to stay inside until it was viable. I could tell momma was scared and terrified too, just by the look on her face when she explained it to me.

I acted strong and brave even though deep down I was so scared and sad. I had to be ok for momma.

A few hours later, I was laying in my bed with momma when auntie Mer came in.  I hadn't really seen her since I had woken up. Uncle Alex had told me that she was stuck in a surgery but right when she was done, she was going to come see me.

When auntie Mer walked in, her face dropped and I knew why. She saw my small vulnerable self lying in the hospital bed with my arm in a cast, a head wrapped in bandages from brain surgery, cuts with stitches, and bruises all over my body.

Before she could apologize or say anything, I said, "I'm ok, auntie Mer" She walked over and sat next to my bed.

She looked towards momma and asked, "How's Callie? How's she doing?"

Momma said, "Last I knew, O.B. just had to clear a few things and then they were going to move her up here. Mark's been with her since I've been up here"

I turned my head towards momma and said, "You should go see mom, at least for a little while until they can bring her up here"

She pushed back my hair out of my face and said, "It's ok sweetie, I can stay with you. I'm sure mom understands"

I said, "I'm ok, you can go see mom and make sure the baby's ok. I'm ok by myself"

Auntie Mer cut in and said, "I'm more than happy to stay with y/n if you want to go see Callie"

As momma started to get up, she asked me, "You sure you're ok?"

I gave her a weak smile and said, "I'm gonna to be ok"

She said, "Ok. Meredith, page me if anything happens. I'll be back soon, I love you" She leaned down and kissed me on my forehead and then hesitantly left my room.

Once momma left, my feelings of sadness and worriedness rose, that I had tried so hard to shove deep down. I think auntie Mer could tell because, without saying anything, she walked over to the side of my bed and gently crawled in next to me.

A tear slowly rolled down my cheek. Auntie Mer wrapped her arm behind me and held me close. 

She softly said, "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

I said, "Is the baby going to be ok? This is all my fault. We only went to California because of me and my birthday. If we didn't go, we would have never been in the car and the crash would have never happened. It's all my fault, auntie Mer!"

The tears came faster. She held me so close to her. My head laid on her chest as she rested her chin on the top of my head.

She reassuringly said to me, "Hey, hey. You cannot blame yourself for what happened. It was your birthday so of course your moms wanted to go all out to celebrate, you know that. It could have happened to anyone and definitely was not your fault. The baby's going to be ok, they just need to monitor it for awhile. They also need to keep a close eye on your mom and especially you because you were the most injured. Of course all your aunts and uncle, including myself, are going to be making sure you're ok because we love you"

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