The Crash (Part 25)

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Y/n's POV:

Everything was dark. For just a split second, there was no pain. But then, tremendous amounts of pain overtook my body. I couldn't move or even open my eyes. It even hurt to breathe.

I could hear mama's voice yelling my name. She was saying, "Y/n, y/n!" I didn't even have enough strength to talk. I felt so weak.  I just wanted to sleep, so I slowly closed my eyes.

- - - - - 

When I woke back up, I was in an ambulence, laying on a stretcher. I was in SO much pain and my head was throbbing. I could taste the blood in my mouth. I just wanted to go back to sleep so the uncontrollable pain would go away.

I slowly opened my eyes to see mama sitting next to me sobbing. She was tightly holding my hand.

When she noticed that I was awake, she said, "Y/n! I'm here, I'm here. You're going to be ok, ok? You just have to hold on for me, please. I love you so much" Her voice broke as tears streamed down her face. Blood trickled down her face but other than that she looked fine.

But where was mom? All I could wonder was if she was ok. Was the baby ok? I managed to say only a few words before the pain was too much.

I shakily said, "Whe- Where's mom? The b- baby?" It hurt so much just to say 4 words.

She said, "She's in another ambulence, but she's ok. We're going to the hospital now and you're going to be ok. You just have to hold on for me" Her tears slipped down her cheeks and landed on my arm.

Once I knew that they were both ok, I could relax. And with that, I closed my eyes and everything went black again.

Arizona's POV:

Callie and I had stopped to pick up y/n's adoption papers on the way home. When we were about an hour from home, we thought that at that moment, we should ask her. We tried to hold our excitement in until we got home so that we could surprise her with it, but we just couldn't wait. We couldn't wait to ask her, so we just did.

And then, I took my eyes off the road for 10 seconds and we crashed.  Y/n didn't even have enough time to say yes or no. Why did this happen? How could this have happened? Was the universe this cruel?

When we crashed, the air bags saved Callie and I, but y/n hit the back of Callie's seat hard. Fortunately, it seemed like Callie and I had no major injuries. I got some cuts and lacs from glass shards and it seemed like Callie also had some lacs and possibly internal bleeding. We had to make sure that the baby was alright but y/n, unfortunately, got the brunt of it all.

Her breathing was shallow and quick, her stats were not improving, she could barely stay conscious, she had obvious lacerations and broken bones, probable internal bleeding and head trauma. She was barely hanging on.

My sister, Brooke, left y/n to me. I was supposed to be there for her and make sure nothing happened to her. My job was to protect her and I failed. I felt awful, like the guilt was burning inside me.

Y/n looked so vulnerable and helpless and I could tell she was in an uncontrollable amount of pain.  I just wanted to help her, it should be me hurt and not her.

Callie told me to ride in the amabulence with y/n and as we rode, I quickly pulled out my phone and called Alex. As the phone rang, I couldn't help but sob, staring at the tiny helpless girl who was laying on the stretcher in front of me.

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