Addison's Arrival (Part 35)

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I know it's been a long time, so I would read the previous part (part 34) before reading this fo refresh the story!

Arizona's POV:

The first thing we did was call Addison. I had only met her a few times before but her and Callie still talked a lot. She had known about Callie's pregnancy and knew about the situation. All of us agreed that if we are going to have to deliver our little girl this early, we would want her to do it. To have our baby in the best hands possible.

I urgently called Addison, with the hopes of lowering some of Callie's worries. She was getting on the next flight to get out here as soon as possible.

Now all I had to do was tell y/n. God, this was going to be hard.

I quickly texted Meredith to see where they were. Her, Amelia, and y/n were in Derek's gallery. I quickly went up the his gallery. The minute I walked in, I saw y/n sitting in between Meredith and Amelia. She had her head resting on Meredith's shoulder and Amelia was holding tighly onto her hand.

I looked at both Amelia and Meredith and said, "Could you guys give us a minute?" They both kindly nodded and gently smiled at y/n before leaving.

I sat next to y/n and looked into her beautiful big brown eyes.

She worriedly looked at me and asked, "Is everything okay mama?"

I shakily said, "Um, not really. Do you remember us telling you what amniotic fluid is?"

She said, "Yes..."

"Well, uh, mom's amniotic fluid level is too low. Your sister is going to need to be delivered within a few hours," I told her.

"Is-is she going to be okay?! She's only 25 weeks!" y/n started to freak out.

I tried to calm her down a little bit by saying, "I've seen countless babies born at the same age who grow up to be big healthy beautiful babies. We just have to hope and pray. It's going to be hard for awhile. She'll be a little tiny thing connected to a ton of tubes and wires which may look scary, but it's going to be okay. We just have to be there for mom"

Y/n didn't say a word. Instead, she instantly leaned over and tucked her head into the crevice of my neck, as if trying to shield away all of the fear and scariness.

As I wrapped my arms around her, she asked, "Mama... are you scared?"

"Of course I am. But, I'm trying to be brave and strong for you and mom"

We sat there like that for a little bit and told y/n about Addie. After a few minutes, my phone started to buzz. I had assumed it would be Mark or Callie, but instead it was Addison calling. She told me she was just arriving at the hospital.

Y/n and I quickly got up to go meet Addison at the front entrance...

- - - - - -

Y/n and I met Addison. Callie had talked about her a lot when we first met, she was one of Callie's closet friends and still was. They made sure to talk all the time.

The minute she saw y/n and I her face broke. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and gave me a hug. I introduced her to y/n as she quickly told y/n and I how much Callie talks about her. She said Callie would rave about y/n to her nonstop and how lucky she was to be her mom.

After our short talk, we quickly walked up to Callie's room. A wave of relief overtook the room as Addison told us her plan. We all knew our sweet little girl was going to be in the safest hands.

Mark and I tried to assure Callie that everything was going to be okay and then y/n walked in. I had noticed that she had been avoiding Callie's room, probably because this whole situation was very scary, considering all of the trauma she had recently gone through. I knew I was going to be there for y/n the whole time Callie was in surgery, I just had to be.

Callie tried to reassure y/n who frantically started freaking out and crying, saying how all she wanted was for everyone to be okay and for our family to go back to normal. Callie and I both wrapped our arms around her as we tried to calm her down. I held her head close to my chest and held her tightly until her breathing normalized.

Callie hugged y/n tightly, kissed the top of her head, and said her goodbye for now. Callie then kissed me and told me not to worry about her, that's everything was going to be okay. After that, Addison walked into the room and said it was time.

- - - - -

Addison scrubbed into surgery while the O.R. nurses prepped Callie for surgery. Usually during a c-section the mom can be awake but thought it would just be harder for Callie to see her like that, especially if something was to go wrong. So, Callie was going to be put under.

After the O. R. nurses put Callie under and Addison was scrubbed, she started. I had asked Alex to assist since he was my star student and I had the most trust in him.

Mark and I sat in the gallery while Addison started. Y/n stayed with Meredith and Amelia. I had noticed that Amelia and Addison had a close relationship like y/n and I had. I hadn't known Amelia for too long but y/n was attached to her and adored her greatly.

Every few minutes I checked on y/n to make sure she was okay because I knew it must have been hard for her but Meredith and Amelia were doing a great job of making sure she was alright.

As Addison and Alex worked, Callie's stats were strong and steady. We watched as Addison cut into the Callie's uterus and started to deliver our little girl.

Mark and I quickly stood as close to the glass as we could, to the point where our breath caused the glass to fog. Mark held my hand tightly as we watched as Addison gently and carefully pulled out our baby girl.

Tears formed in my eyes as I watched Addison hand over our little girl to Alex to get her stabilized while Addison closed Callie. She was so beautiful, I couldn't help but smile.

Tension rose as we watched Alex try to get her breathing. Considering how small and underdeveloped she was, her tiny organs and systems couldn't work properly. It was expected that her lungs and respiratory system, along with other things, would be majorly underdeveloped. But, she was viable, 25 weeks old.

Mark quickly looked at me with fear in his eyes as we sprinted out of the gallery and into the O.R. Alex stepped aside as I searched for a rhythm. Addison frantically called, asking what was happening. I did the smallest compressions on her chest, careful not to hurt her fragile tiny body. Mark and Alex stood next to me, holding their breaths, as they stared down at the tiny one-pound human laying lifelessly below me.

I continued compressions while begging god to save my tiny little daughter. All of a sudden the machines beeped and a rhythm displayed on the screen. Everyone took a deep breath as a wave of relief flooded the room. Our daughter was breathing and alive.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I shakily said, "I-I have a heartbeat"

*Read Below*

Hi everyone! I know this is extremely overdue and it's been months since I updated. I just wanted to say how sorry I am for not updating in so long, I was really busy near the end of my school year and kind of lost a little motivation for the story but started to gain it back a little bit recently. I also wasn't in the best headspace for awhile and decided to take a little break. I know my writing this chapter wasn't the best, it might take a little bit to get my flow back.

I also wanted to say thank you for all the love and support for my story while I was gone. It's so nice to see how many people enjoy my story. I promise there will be more updates in the future, and won't take two months to update haha.

When I would write chapters before, reading all your comments after a new chapter would always cheer me up and make my day, so let me know in the comments how you liked it and/or what I can do in the future to make it better! Again, I'm sorry and I hope you guys are all healthy and good!

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