Sofia (Part 36)

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*3 1/2 months later*

Y/n's POV:

It had been 3 1/2 months since my little sister was born. My moms and Mark decided on the name Sofia, which I thought fit her extremely well.

It was scary at first, like mama had told me. She was so small to the point where she just looked like tubes and wires for awhile. It put a ton of stress on mom and mama for awhile, to the point where Mark would sit all night next to the incubator just so mom and mama could sleep peacefully.

It was all worth it though to see the look on mama's face and the love in her eyes when Sofia wrapped her tiny little hand around her fingertip for the very first time. It was so great to see my moms so happy.

Addie stayed for practically the whole first month that Sofia was alive. She stayed with us at the apartment. It was nice for mom since her and Addie had been such close friends and hadn't seen each other in a long time. I didn't mind at all though because she seemed really nice and kind, even knowing all the past history between her, auntie Mer, and uncle Derek. Me, her, and Amelia all hung out together those few weeks. I quickly realized how inseparable Amelia and Addie were. Addie was like a big sister to Amelia and I hoped I could be like that with Sofia.

I had loved spending time with Amelia. She had saved my life and was like a big sister to me. Her and Addie left about two months ago. It was really difficult saying goodbye to them, especially Amelia but she's called and checked in on me everyday.

Sofia is now 39 weeks old. She was really sick at first because of how underdeveloped her body system and organs were, so she had to go on a breathing machine for awhile. But, she had been off of it for awhile now and was a healthy 5 pounds 10 ounces. She was out of the incubator and in the nursery. She had dark black hair just like mom and beautiful brown eyes like me. And I know they didn't share any genetics but I swear she had the same smile as mama everytime I made her laugh.

In the beginning, all of us stayed at the hospital every night to be with Sofia. But now, since she had been stable and healthy, we had been switching staying at the hospital and going home, knowing Sofia should be able to come home soon! When I would sleep at the hospital, usually in an on-call room, I would get up early and quietly walk to the nursery and stay with Sofia until mom, mama, or Mark came. I would hold her in my arms as I read her a book or just told her about my day.

Since we all had a lot of time on our hands the past few months, we had gotten a ton of wedding planning done! The wedding was in just a month, and just in time for Sofia to be home and be able to go! Mom and mama had each separately gone and gotten their wedding dresses. I had gone with each of them and I loved both. They were both elegant and fancy and each one fit perfectly with their personalities.

Today we were going to try and get the seating chart for the reception done!

- - Present - -

Today, I had woken up in an on-call room. Mama and I had stayed the night before. While mama was sleeping, I had quietly left and headed to the nursery to see Sofia. I hung out there for a few hours and fed her her breakfast, a bottle.

Arizona's POV:

When I woke up, y/n was gone but I knew exactly where she was. I got up and headed out towards the nursery.

As I approached the nursery and looked through the glass, I couldn't help but smile. I watched as y/n held tiny Sofia in her arms. She made goofy faces while making Sofia giggle and smile. It made my heart feel huge. She was such an amazing big sister.

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