A Flicker of Hope

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Narcissa fans should like this chapter...And if you weren't a fan before...you might just become one.


Narcissa sat in her study her eyes intently focused on the small grains of blue sand that were slipping past the pinched center of her hourglass and piling neatly on the bottom.

She could not stop time, nor make it reverse its courses to save Draco.

I am alone...the thought flitted through her mind unbidden.

Closing her eyes briefly and a single tear slid down Narcissa's cheek. She wiped it away furiously.

There is no time for that now , she told herself and look at deep breath and focused on the grains of sand once more. They were helping her think and right now that was what she needed to do. She needed to think and she needed to plan. She could not let someone rule the world who would sacrifice children out of haughty arrogance.

Narcissa Malfoy was not the only mother in the world who had lost a son because of Voldemort and she would be damned if she let the creature who was responsible for the needless death of her child rise to ultimate power.

If he had been unable that would have been one thing, but Voldemort had the power to save her son and because of pride had chosen not to.

That was unforgivable.

You will damn yourself fighting him.

That's fine, she thought back, I have nothing left to loose.

Her husband was dead, her son was dead and her sister...her sister had chosen to side with the monster who had let her boy die.

Lacing her fingers together Narcissa began tapping her thumbs gently against one another as she thought of ways to ensure the dark lord lost this war...and his life.

And the order...

They had taken Draco's body. 

She needed to get it back. 

She would bury him properly. 

She would saw her final goodbye.

She paused.

Amid those thoughts another thought rose to the surface. It had been lingering at the back of her emotion dredged mind and now it floated to her attention through the muck.

Why take a body during the heat of battle, it would only slow you down?

Narcissa stood and began pacing, he eye brows knit together in a furious line of tension.

Think logically Naricssa...

She paced.

Why take a body?

There was only one reason that made sense.

Draco had been alive when they took him.

Hermione had been in the room...had the muggle born told them about the Bind and insisted they take him along too?

Narcissa bit the flesh of her thumb beside the nail-a habit she had not let slip since her teenage years.

That doesn't mean he's still alive now, her mind argued.

What was the Granger girl doing in Draco's room?

They say she is the cleverest witch of her age...maybe?

"Did she?" the words spoken aloud startled Narcissa and she clamped her mouth shut.

You have to be careful Narcissa, she heard her mother's warning, there are always people listening. The walls have ears.

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