Chapter 52

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Prakriti P.O.V

We got the news that Brother Krishna is agreed to be with us in the war but he won't lift a weapon. I internally smirked, he doesn't need weapon to win a war. I am happy that he choose our side but when Arya told me that Brother Balram denied taking part in the war at all, I understood his reason. He love Duryodhana very much and he knows that his sister is on the other side, he couldn't choose between one so he decided to not take part in the war. At least he won't be siding with Kauravas any more, I was just afraid for this only. Now we will have to gather all of our ally and prepare for the war.

The first of our allies to arrive in Upaplavya was Satyaki, with his one aksauhini army. Then, Dhrishtaketu, king of the Chedis, came with another aksauhini. Jarasandha's son Jayatsena came from Magadha with a glittering legion and the five Kekaya brothers, with theirs. King Drupada arrived with his army, with the brilliant Shikhandi, whose roots were deep and strange, the fire-born Dhrishtadyumna and with Krishne's sons, the young tigers chafing to prove
themselves worthy of their fathers in battle. King Virata brought one aksauhini, as well, from his capital and came to Upaplavya with his sons and brothers and Uttara Kumar who was a celebrated Kshatriya now! The Pandya king and Neela, king of Mahishmati, came with their legions. Seven oceanic aksauhinis flowed across the earth, a tide of fighting men
and swarmed around Upaplavya; and they were here to help us. Finally brother Krishna came to Upaplavya on his chariot with no army or weapon but with a calm smile on his face.

We were all siting in the court room discussing about strategy for the upcoming war. I was still waiting for son Ghatotkach, he won't be bringing his army of demon with him because this fight is between kshtriya but he will be joining us soon because he has the blood of kshtriya running in his veins. I was very excited to meet him after so long. He didn't come in the marriage as well because he couldn't join us without his mother but now situation is different. We need our son with us.

Just then a soldier entered in the court room saying that Sanjay came from Hastinapur bearing King's message. We received him affectionately and welcomed him with a smile. He stand in the middle of sabha.

"What news of our elders in Hastinapur, Sanjay? Does our uncle remember us? And our Pitamah? Do our cousins think kindly of us? Sanjay, do you bring good news?" Brother Yudhishtir asked.

Sanjay's face twisted in grim, my face fell, I know he bear bad news. Duryodhana must have plot something new for us. My eyes met with brother Krishna, he blinked at me and nodded in reassurance, I sighed and moved my gaze to Sanjay again, he opened his mouth and began "'I,
Dhritarashtra, king of the Kurus, send my greetings to my sons Yudhishtira, Bheem, Arjuna, Nakul and Sahadev. I greet my dear Krishna, Satyaki, Chekitana, Virata and Drupada. I hope that Prakriti and Draupadi will also hear a message I send through Sanjaya". All of us were present here and listening tentatively to the news he brought with him.

"Yudhishtira, I implore you, abandon the shameful thought that has entered your heart, of having war with your cousins. I concede your family and your allies might well prove stronger than my sons. Even if you succeed, how will you ever have peace of mind after killing your cousins? Just think, my child, however powerful the kshatriyas you have with you may be, the Kuru army is not a force you can trifle with. Bheeshm, Drona, Kripa, Aswatthama, Karna and a host of others, who are like Gods upon the earth, will face you in battle. Blood will flow, as we have not dreamt. Yudhishtira, by your dharma, isn't that a sin?"

"Wise Krishna, knowledgeable Prakriti, I pray you listen to me and advise Yudhishtira against the
calamity he is plotting. I speak not just for the good of the House of Kuru, but of Kshatriya kind, why, of the very earth. Bheeshm and I both beg you, think only of peace!"

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