Chapter 4

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Prakriti P.O.V

We reached on the outskirts of Varnavrat at night time. Purochan was standing there with his family. Me and mother got out of the chariot and walked towards them with Pandavas. Purochan welcomed us and we started walking as he showed us way towards the Castle. I look around, there was no one here, the whole place was dead silent with darkness surrounded us.

"This place is outside of Varnavrat" Brother Yudhishthira stated because there was no one around. Purochan joined his hand and nodded with a smile " I wanted to make a marvelous Castle for you and you know that we cannot get the vast land inside the Kingdom so I made it here" he explained himself. Brother Bhima moved forward in confusion "Where is it, inside the earth" he asked in sarcastic tone. Purochan started smiling nervously "Why are you making joke Prince Bhima, the Castle is here" he said. "But why is it there no light?" I questioned as he started to walk towards the mirror. He turned his head towards me and bowed his head giving me a smile "My Liege, we don't need the light" he said, before I could ask him further, he moved the direction of mirrors and suddenly moon light reflect on them showing us the enormous Castle in front of us. I looked at its beauty, it was truly a piece of art. Arya looked at me at the same time I looked at him and we both shared a smile, impressed with the view in front of us.
"Welcome my Queen" Purochan said gesturing Mother to enter in the Castle first. She gave him a soft smile "We have to light a lamp before we enter in the Castle" she said, Purochan suddenly looked nervous "Of course, My Liege" he stuttered, smiling.

We moved forward in the Castle, Purochan's wife got the platter for ritual. Mother turned her head towards me "My daughter will illuminate the lamp" she said motioning me to move forward. I smiled and nodded my head and walked towards her. I light the lamp and Purochan's wife took the platter back. Suddenly a disgusting smell entered in my nose and I started coughing, everyone circled around me and Mother patted my back "Are you all right dear?" She asked worried, I nodded my head " I am fine, it just this place reeks of meat" I said covering my nose. It only happened after I light up the lamp. Brother Bhima started sniffing around " You are right Prakriti, this place does smell" he said, in instance Purochan wife came in front of us with scented liquid in her hand. It overpowered the smell of meat. "I am sorry My Liege, must be some animal died in the forest, the smell is coming from them" she said spraying the liquid around. "You should clean it up then" Arya said, she quickly nodded her head "We will do it first thing in the morning".

We moved forward in the Castle, Nakula quickly went to a mirror and started looking at himself while we looked around the Castle. This place is beautiful but there is something strange about it that I couldn't understand. "This Castle is magical My Liege, me and my family made it with lot of effort" Purochan said walking towards Brother Yudhishthira, he nodded his head and appreciate him "Very well Purochan, I never saw something like this before". Brother Bhima moved his eyes around and gave a impressed look to Purochan "You should give him a reward, Brother" he said. Brother Yudhishthira nodded his head smiling. 

Sahadev moved forward and looked around the Castle with a frown on his face. "Are you really fine?" Arya asked from beside me, his voice laced with worry. I turned my head towards him and gave him a reassuring smile "I am Fine, Arya" I said. He sighed "I don't like this place" he murmured for only my ears.

Me too Arya, me too.

"How is this place got light during the new moon?" Sahadev asked in confusion. He is right, if there is only source of light is moon then how come this place stays illuminate in the new moon. We turned our head towards Purochan in expectation. He looked uneasy as he started stuttering "Prince, This--, It" he stumbled on his words. Before he could provide us valid answer Brother Bhima interrupted him "Who want to stay this long in this Castle, why worry in vain" he chuckled. "Think about that, this place has lots of mirror, Nakula must have been very happy" he laughed looking at Nakula who was still in front of the mirror. I giggle when suddenly Nakula moved away from mirror in embarrassment. Everybody started chuckling at this forgetting the question Sahadev asked.

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