Chapter 30

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(This chapter is dedicated to @shasha0224 )

Prakriti P.O.V

I finally reached Kamyaka Vana, moving towards our home, I was eager to meet Krishne very much, she is the most I missed but I missed my other family members as well but a little less then her. I was near the shelter when I saw Krishne sitting on the steps of our home, she looked sad as she zoned out in her thoughts, I slowly walked towards her without disturbing her, I stand beside her and put my hand on her shoulder, "Krishne" I said, she quickly get out of her state and turned her head towards me, her eyes widened, tears appeared in her eyes and she quickly latched herself to me hugging me tightly. "Vibha, you are here, you are finally here" she whispered, not believing her eyes. "Yes, it is me, Krishne, I am back" I murmured and broke the hug, wiping her tears. "I have missed you so much" she said, her voice heavy with emotions, my own eyes filled with tears as I stared at my fire. "I know, I could feel you from long way" I said and gave her a soft smile.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, I saw no one was in the home.

"Arya Yudhishtira went to meet Muni Brihadaswa and Arya Bheem went into the forest to get some woods, Arya Nakula and Sahadeva is near the river" she responding explaining everyone absence, I nodded my head and then we went inside our home, she helped me with some food and told me everything that happened in the past years. Brother Bheem meet Lord Hanuman and got his blessings besides Lord Hanuman will also help us in the war. Just then Brother Bheem entered in the home with woods on his broad shoulder, his eyes went towards me, he quickly put the bundles of woods down and came near me in quick stride, I stand up and moved towards him, touching his feet in respect, he pulled me in a gentle hug, "Finally your Tapasya is complete, we have been waiting for you and Arjuna for a while now" he said with an excited smile, I returned the smile back. "Arya will be back, I can feel it" I responded, his smile broaden more if it is possible. "Good, then we will get ready for Agyatvasa and after that Duryodhana's head would be in my fist" he said, while gritting his teeth in anger. To divert him from his anger, I changed the conversation. "Tell me full story, how did you meet Lord Hanuman" I asked, more interested in his story rather than hearing the name of that cheater and Adharmi Duryodhana.

A smile appeared on his lips and he gave a short laugh, his eyes twinkling in happiness. "It was really a story, I will describe it to you--" he said putting his hand around my shoulder and we both sit on the steps of our home, Krishne sitting few steps below ready to hear the story again.

"I was worshiping him for couple of years but nothing happened, he didn't visit me, I was getting impatient because of the anger inside me. One day, I went in the forest to get some flowers for my venerate. I saw an old monkey on my way, his back turned, his wrinkled head cradled in the crook of his brown arm and apparently fast asleep, the monkey was small creature himself but his tail was the longest, I never seen such long and finest tail in my life" he said getting into the story, a smile appeared on my face hearing his encounter with an old monkey.

I growled in annoyance at the monkey, I was angry before hand and the monkey laying in my path making me more angry, At my growl, the monkey lazily raised his head and looked towards me, his face was covered by fine wrinkles, he looked too old, he could have been a thousand years old, he was so worn and thin. I growled again, hoping to scare this creature so that he can get out of my way.

"Young man, why do you make so much noise? I was sleeping peacefully, dreaming fine dreams and you come blundering through the jungle blasting on your conch" he said in his frail voice, I thought he was just a monkey who couldn't speak but here he was, speaking. I was taken aback with his calm nature, "Young Kshatriya, for so you may well be, are you a stranger to these parts? I have never met another human being in this forest who makes such a noise. This is no battlefield, young man. Yes, you are surely a stranger here, that you disturb all the jungle-folk with your din" he spoke again in this rumbling way. His eyes shining with mirth, I stand there looking at his face speechless for a minute.  

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