Chapter 59

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Prakriti P.O.V

Next morning, we got a message from our enemy's side to decide the rules of the war. I knew something will happen in the name of rules, but we were ready for it. Before we went for the meeting, I stopped Brother Krishna, I need to talk to him before the meeting.

"What happened Prakrite?" he asked with smile on his face, I gave a small smile in return.

"I want to know why didn't you agree in the favor of Shikandi being our general?" I asked him, this question has been irking me since we ended the meeting in the Virat's kingdom. He sighed and put his hand on my head "I knew you has that question in your mind my sister, and I assure you that you will get the answer soon" he said in riddle. I pursed my lips but nodded if he is saying that I am getting my answers soon then I should wait for it.

All of us gathered in the tent away from both side camps in the neutral ground. I looked at Duroyodhan and remembered the message he has sent us yesterday, I gritted my teeth in anger and looked away.

All of our best warrior were present in the meeting, our family, Brother Krishna, our children, Dhrishtadyumna, Shikandi, King Virat, King Drupad and from their side, Grandfather Bhishm, AngKing Karn, Kauravas, Gandhar King Shakuni and Acharyas. Gandhar King stood up from his place and walked in the middle "Greetings everyone!" he said joining his hands and greeting people around.

"In the whole Aryavart, rules for war has already predefined" he started saying and looked around, his eyes fell on me and he gave a small smirk, I raised my eyebrow and waited for his speech "Before the war, we are gathered here to recollect those rules".

"With all due respect, I want to recite those rules in front of the meeting so that there is no doubt between us" he said with joined hands. I looked at Brother Krishna and knew that Gandhar King is about to play one of his scheme. He looked at me and slowly nodded his head "Certainly" he responded to Gandhar King.

Gandhar King smiled and nodded his head "The rule must include fighting begin no earlier than sunrise and end exactly at sunset" he said.

"We accept this rule" Elder Brother said and everyone nodded along.

"Lets discuss the other rules then" Gandhar King said.

"No more than one warrior may attack a single warrior".

"Each warrior shall fight with warrior of his category, which means mace fighter will fight with mace fighter and sword fighters with swords one"

I smirked at the rule, he is forgetting that our warrior are trained in almost every weaponry. I nodded my head accepting the rule.

"One who surrenders becomes a prisoner of war and will then be subject to the protections of a prisoner of war"

"No warrior may kill or injure an unarmed warrior".

"No warrior may kill or injure a person or animal not taking part in the war".

"Whoever breaks the rule will get death sentence from their General" he said and looked at Pitamah Bhism and then Dhrishtadyumna.

"Since all the rules are according to law of war, there is no need of argument" Brother Krishna said calmly, Gandhar King chuckled and nodded his head.

"Before the end of this meeting, there is one question I want to ask to all of you" he said in curious tone, "This war place is righteous place, are we following every act righteously?"  he asked.

"Indeed, we are" Elder Brother said without taking any pause.

He smiled and his eyes fell on me "In other words, women should not take part in this war because according to our tradition, they are our mother, friend, sister, wife, daughter, daughter in law, we can not raise our weapon against them because they are revered" he said and smiled cunningly. I chuckled and stared at him, is he forgetting the day of game of dice when they pushed Draupadi around, wasn't she their daughter in law, wasn't she revered that time.

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