Chapter 58

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Prakriti P.O.V

After Abhimanyu's marriage with Vatsala, she came to live with us in Upaplavya. She was very happy, I could see it on her face, in her smile. Uttara accepted Vatsala like a sister that made me more than happy. I never wanted to see her sad because of Vatsala but now my heart is light. Brother Balram was disappointed because of what Duryodhan and his family did so he finally decided to not help anyone in the war, he was thinking of traveling for the time being so that he would not think about the war and pray for all of us. He told me he will be going on a pilgrimage, first to the banks of the Saraswati and then to a hundred other tirthas, to the very south of Bharatavarsha. I agreed with his decision and bid him farewell.

After couple of days, Elder Brother called for meeting in court room. It was time for us to choose our General in war who could lead our army to the gate of kauravas. Elder brother stood up from his seat and addressed all the Kings present in the room, "We have done our best to secure peace, but Duryodhana will have none of it. The war we must fight is a war thrust on us, a war we never wanted. The time of trial, the ruthless time, is upon us. I thank you all for coming to help me in the name of dharma" he said looking around the room. "It is time to decide what role each one of us will have in the war, I want to hear my brother's and Prakriti's opinion about who should be our General" he said then he turned his head towards Sahadev and addressed him "Sahadev, you are the youngest but wisest in many ways, I want to hear your thoughts".

Sahadev rose from his place "Elder Brother, We have to stand against Pitamah Bheeshm, I would choose King Virata of the Matsya. He is a seasoned soldier, his age and experience commend him." Elder Brother nodded his head and turned to Nakul, "Nakul, whom would you have as our General?"

Without hesitation, Nakul said "King Drupada, He is Bhargava's sishya and Guru Drona's sworn enemy. Acharya Drona will play at least as crucial a role in the war as our Pitamah. King Drupada is a tapasvin, a master of astras; let him lead us into battle."

Then Elder Brother asked Arya "Arjun, whom do you choose for our general?"

"Let youth confront age and triumph. Let Prince Dhrishtadyumna ride at the head of our army. None better than Drupada's son to take fire to the enemy."


I stood up from my seat, I have already thought of this situation, if Pitamah is the General of our enemy then we need someone who can defeat him and there is only one person that's come to my mind. "If Pitamah Bheeshm is to be their General, ours should be the one who has sworn a solemn oath spanning two lives to be the death of Pitamah Bheeshm. Let Shikhandi face Pitamah Bheeshm and keep her vow".


"I agree with Prakriti because Pitamah swore to not raise weapon in front of Shikhandi and we can defeat him and Duryodhan altogether" he said.

Elder brother moved his eyes towards Brother Krishna and addressed him.

"If I had to choose anyone to lead us into war, I would not hesitate but choose Krishna. True, he is younger than some of us; but can anyone match his wisdom? It matters little whether he bears a weapon or not. All our destinies lie in his hands and I will submit to whatever he decides" Elder Brother said with small smile on his face.

"Krishna, you tell us who our General shall be."

Brother looked at us and gave a thought "I agree with Parth. Drupada's son Dhrishtadyumna is the one to lead us into battle" he finally said, I was confused with the decision, I thought Shikandi was best option to be the General but Brother Krishna doesn't agree on it. There is something I am missing here.

Everyone agreed with Brother Krishna and cheers for our new General. I tried to catch Brother Krishna's eyes but he was not looking at me. Then meeting continues and commanders for army was decided, after that everyone turned in for the night.

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