Chapter 19

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Harry waited, waited until he heard everyone snoring, especially Ronald who snored like artillery shells. He heard the ticking of the nearby wall clock, tick-tock, tick-tock. He took a breath, heavy and hard, what he was about to do had a 50-50 percent chance of success. He didn't want anyone to get hurt so he would do this alone.

He looked at the clock, 10:15, the Ministry would supposedly have its night shift, specifically the shift of his good friend Nymphadora Tonks, an auror who had the skills of Mad-eye but the personality of a happy first year. He slowly went out of bed and quietly dressed in casual wizard attire with some dragon-hide armor and quickly made his way to the window.

"Can't risk getting caught..." said Harry. He still wasn't sure that the paintings were as trustworthy, they could still be loyal to the grey whiskered fool he called a headmaster. He looked out and felt the night sky, the wind blowing through his messy hair.

He pictured the ground below him and closed his eyes, he took a breath and slowly pushed his magic to move. He felt the very familiar tug of disapperation. He actually learned how thanks to Cyrus who gave him a lesson, no one could tell him otherwise given he was an emancipated wizard. He wasn't powerful enough to break through the school wards, one of the things that he had to commend Dumbledore for.

It only took a moment before he felt his feet touch the grassy grounds below Gryffindor tower. He no longer felt as light-headed as he did the first time, given he's apperated before at the Greengrass estate. He quietly made his way close to the gates and halted. He slowly placed his hand over his mouth and whispered. "Dobby."

Harry heard a poof and soon appeared Dobby, his very loyal house elf. "Yes, Harry Potter, sir?" Dobby asked, a bit to loudly.

Harry scowled at the house elf and quickly signaled him to be silent. The house elf nodded and quickly covered his mouth. Harry sighed and removed his hand from his mouth.

"Come on Dobby," Harry whispered. "Take us to the Ministry of Magic." 

Dobby nodded. Harry waved his wand again, casting a silent invisibility charm. He nodded to Dobby who snapped his finger and Harry felt his behind pulled, quite a different sensation that the usual wizarding apperation. 

Soon, after what seemed like a split second or so, they arrived at the respectably large halls of the Ministry of Magic. It was obviously very silent, or perhaps, not as noisy as Harry would expect it to be in the daytime. It was the night shift so the halls were empty, with only a handful of night wizards patrolling. 

"Come Dobby," he said as he headed to the elevators. "We've got to see my favorite auror." 


Nymphadora "Don't call me that or I'll hex you" Tonks, was in all honesty, quite bored. She had nothing interesting to do, especially during the night shift. It wasn't her fault she was clumsy and nearly broke their cover during a battle, she was naturally clumsy but luckily was silent enough. It wasn't enough though to stop Madame Bones to place her on the night shift, it wasn't all boring though as she was accompanied by Kingsley. 

She was busy twirling her wand, quite an annoying little habit of hers, she did remember Moody always reprimanded her with his trauma and creepy nonsense, she honestly saw him as senile had he not been her auror trainer. 

"Don't play with your wand like that, Nymphadora!" she remembered him saying to her. "You might end up hurting yourself." 

"Senile old man..." she chuckled to herself as she continued twirling her wand. "Wonder where he's gone off to now. Probably off somewhere far again, hiding off. " 

"Now, now, Dora..." purred a smooth but young voice which she may have recognized. "We shouldn't insult people who helped train you, that would be quite... unbecoming." 

Tonks' eyes widened. "Harry?" 

Harry then appeared beside her, obviously taking away the effects of the spell on him. "Hello Dora, how's it been?" 

"HARRY?" she screeched, loudly, as expected from one who was in shock. "WHAT IN MERLIN'S BALLS ARE YOU DOING HERE? Y-YOU'RE S-SUPPOSED TO BE IN SCHOOL!"  

"You know how I am, Dora," Harry said with an innocent smile. "I can't resist the urge of adventure..." 

"Oh, what is Cousin Siri going to think of me when he hears this..." 

"He won't, he'd be bloody proud I've got the streak going, I am the son of a Marauder after-all." 

Dora sighed and nodded. "Okay, I'll give you that point. But what are you doing here really?" 

"What if I was to tell you Dora, that tonight was about to get more interesting?" 

I feel very lazy and I need to move on so I'll be cutting this thing short. Summary is just them heading to the graveyard and finding Moldy Voldy, also Sirius is there and Nymphadora takes him back. So, I'll be heading on to work on the next chapters, 

Namarië Mellon nin! (I've been re-reading Lord of the Rings again, don't blame me.) 

=Nathan Polancos

---Finished April 15, 2021 with 879 words--- 

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