Chapter 4

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It was early morning when we arrived at the small village. Women immediately took Evy in and clothed her. I kindly paid for the beautiful dress. At another shop I was able to stock up on healing herbs and gauze while adding a few extra canteens of water. Jonathan and O'Connell argued with a man over camels. I was in no need for one after purchasing a horse from a young farmer whose mare just had a colt and could not feed the stallion any more.

"Four! I only want four, not the whole bloody herd!" Jonathan yelled at a camel breeder. "Can you believe this?"

"Will you just pay the man!" O'Connell barked.

"Fine!" John pulled out the money from his wallet. "Can you believe the price for these flee bags?"

O'Connell took the camels heading over to me. "Probably could have gotten them for free. All you had to do was give him your sister."

"Tempting huh?" John grinned.

"Awfully." O'Connell stared at Evy who came out in a very sexy, black, Egyptian dress and veil. It was love at first sight for those two.

I saddled my new horse as the others placed their supplies on their camels. I mounted my horse pulling the reins to follow the camels into the heat of the desert.

"I never liked camels," John complained. "filthy buggers. They spit, they bite, they smell. Disgusting."

Evy petted her camel. "I think they are adorable."

The warden began to sing and I covered my head with my white hood trying to get comfortable in the heat. Luckily the day passed quickly.

Day turned into night and we did not stop through the evening. Evy was asleep and fell against O'Connell's shoulder. He sat her upright ensuring she was well balanced. Jonathan, irritated with the warden, slapped the round man with a riding crop for his snoring. I giggled under my breath.

A horse neighed from afar. Twelve horses with riders watched us under the full moon from atop a cliff. I lowered my hood and raised my chin proudly.

"Let's keep moving." I said, letting the other camels pass me.

"Rose?" O'Connell looked back at me.

"I'm going to keep watch from back here." I said pulling my dagger out showing them I was not afraid.

"You can't possibly kill all twelve by yourself." He scoffed.

"You would be surprised, Mr. O'Connell how many I've killed before." I drew up my hood and kicked my horse catching up.

Dawn soon came as O'Connell turned us to face open land that went on forever. A huge group of horses came toward us with the Americans. Beni was on a camel.

"Good morning my friend." Beni greeted us.

They all gathered around.

"What the hell are we doing?" An impatient American asked.

"Patience my good friend, patience." Beni said.

"Remember our bet O'Connell? Five hundred dollars to whoever gets to Hamunaptra first." Another said.

"A hundred of that goes to you if you help us win that bet." An American with dark brown hair said to Beni.

"It would be my pleasure," Beni bowed. "Hey O'Connell nice camel."

"Get ready for it." O'Connell mumbled.

"Get ready for what?" Evy asked.

"We are about to be shown the way." He said, like this miracle was a mundane thing.

The sun rose over the horizon as a huge cliff appeared like a mirage.

"Will you look at that..." The handsome blond said.

"Can you believe it." The brunet American said.

"Hamunaptra." The American with glasses said.

O'Connell rolled his eyes. "Here we go again."

The sun rose over the horizon as a mountain appeared out of thin air. The city appeared at the steep slopes of the cliffside. A gleam of sunlight refracted off the city of the dead.

"Yah!" I kicked my horse sprinting off with the others on my tail.

Our group held the lead as some of the lighter horses sprinted to catch up to us. I looked at the men on the mountain with a grin as I rose from the saddle balancing on my toes. I was fully on the back of the horse crunched against his mane allowing my weight to be lighter helping my horse run faster. My horse took off towards the city, putting great distance between all of us. The city was so close.

"Go Evy! Go Rose! Go!" Jonathan shouted from afar.

I slid back into the saddle in time for my horse to jump the outer wall. I lifted my arms howling with excitement. I won the race.


"She is a wild one." Admer spoke with a glance to me.

"She will need protection." I spoke with a smile. "I've never seen such a skilled rider before." I leaned over my saddle trying to get a better look. I felt proud of her victory.

Admer looked over to me. "Do you favor this woman? I have never seen you smile at a woman before."

I adjusted in my saddle and my smile vanished. "The desert is getting to you my friend."

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