Chapter 7

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I finished my round around the campsite and a hand clamped over my mouth from behind. I reached for my dagger and one slid over my throat. I froze instantly as a warm voice whispered in my ear. I could feel his hot breath down my neck.

"Don't scream." He whispered.

I nodded and was released. The man pulled me by my wrist to hide behind a pillar. Ardeth pulled the cloth from his face and grabbed me by my shoulders. "I warned you to leave!" Ardeth growled at me. "You could have been killed!"

I shook him off. "I tried everything to get them to leave. Even after the incidents they would not leave. Evy won't go without that book and I can't find it anywhere."

"Then it is a sign to remain hidden."

"Easy for you to say. Evy would never forgive me and if the Americans find it they will sell it for whiskey and women." I snapped at him.

He cursed in Arabic. "Fine, I will give you one day to find the book, but you must bring it straight to me."

"How am I supposed to find you?"

"We are never far away." He began to walk away.

"Fair enough." I crossed my arms. "Are you always this grumpy?"

He turned on his heel. "You think I am a heartless soul, dwelling on myths, and legends?" He walked over to me like a lion.

"I never said that, but you've been hostile towards me and I saved your life."

He came closer, his chest inches from mine, his scent swirling around my head. A gleam was in his eyes that made my heart flutter at the fact he could kill me right now. "I am forever grateful you saved me." He pulled a single red flower from the pocket of his robes. "The red acacia trees are blooming this time of year." He handed me the stunning blossom.

"Thank you." I took it and felt the soft pedals.

"Keep this with you always." Ardeth handed me a scimitar with a green tassel on the hilt. "I do not trust the others."

I smirked. "Are you jealous?"

My question threw him off and he stared at me with wide eyes. "Jealous?" A high pitched whistle caught his ears. "I must go." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "Remember you have one day and remember our bargain." He vanished into the night.

I stood there stunned and flushed for a moment. "He kissed me?" A smile grew on my face as I placed Ardeth's scimitar on my hip.

I headed back to camp admiring the flower. I sat near the fire as the others discussed what to do about the Medjai and where they came from.

"Is that a flower?" Jonathan asked.

"Mhm." I smelled the red blossom.

"Where did you get that?" Rick pointed at my waist.

I glanced down. "Um one of the bodies." I lied.

"And the flower?" Evy crossed her arms. "There are no plants around here. Was it that guardian you spoke of?"

"Yes." I admitted.

"The raider you protected?" Rick was furious. "Whose side are you on?"

"He is not a raider!" I defended myself. "He is a Medjai sworn to protect this place from the curse."

"Leave her be O'Connell," Jonathan defended me. "The lass is entangled in desert love."

I blushed.

"Love?" Rick scoffed. "Is that your only excuse? Are you sure he isn't using you?"

"All he wants is for us to leave before we are all killed." I growled.

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