Chapter 13

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Before dawn rose I slipped from Ardeth's grasp and put on my dual swords. Staying would be impossible as my life was still owned by Anubis. When I was in the lagoon Anubis spoke to me.

"Lotus-Kasi," Anubis' voice echoed around my soul. "Your task is not done until Imhotep is defeated for all eternity."

"But we killed him."

"He will rise once more and you must be ready. My army awaits the day for blood to be spilled."

"You can not do this!" I screamed.

"Enough!" His voice shook me. "Your soul and life is mine you will do as I command!" Or Ardeth will suffer for 1,000 lives of men!"

I sighed in defeat. "As you wish."

"You've sold your soul to me Lotus-Kasi on the day you've performed the Hom-Dai. I hold you to your bond woman! You will go to the temple of Philae where a contact awaits you. You have three days."

I placed a kiss upon Ardeth's forehead while he slept peacefully. He would be safe from me and could live a normal life. All I had to do was vanish and let him forget about me. I exited his room and the tent to find my horse I purchased weeks ago saddled and ready to go. Ardeth's mother stood with my horse and a pack of supplies.

"You've saved us so many times in other lives Lotus-Kasi the world is indebted to you." She blinked away the tears. "My grandmother remembered you when she was a child and you stopped a raid from slaughtering all of our tribe. If only we could set you free to show our true gratitude."

"My fate and freedom is all mine to bear. No one else's." I took the supplies with a light smile. "See that he lives a good life, that he knows my love will last forever, but don't let him wait for me."

"I shall do all I can, but one can not forget a love that lives through the sands of time. Goodbye my princess." She gave a small bow before going inside.

I put the supplies in the saddle pouch before mounting. "Goodbye."

Quietly without a glance back I rode from the village once again.


I searched everywhere for Rose, but she was nowhere to be found. I had called for my horse to be ready to go and search for her. I wasn't about to give her up without a fight. As I mounted my black stallion Evy grabbed my wrist.

"Ardeth don't." She warned.

"I have to find her."

"Listen to me," Jonathan tried to explain. "Rose isn't coming back. She doesn't belong to us, she never will. When she leaves like this it's meant so we don't follow. We have tried to find her before and we failed even after hiring a tracker. There is nothing we can do, but wait for her return."

I gripped the reins trying not to fall apart.

"She's gone Ardeth." Evy's words were tears.

Until Though the Sands of Time: The Reward of Love

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