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"I don't think so. I feel like people are inherently good but something goes awry whether it be environmentally or mentally." Miles shrugged before taking another bite of food.

They sat at her table to eat with Jocelyn sitting on the chair while Miles sat on the end of the couch behind the table. She drank wine with her meal while Miles had water.

"Hmmm, that makes sense. I guess I'm just used to seeing the constant bad in people first." She nodded to the thought.

"It's a common predisposition for people in a service position. That's why they say most cops become more authoritarian in nature the longer they hold a street level position."

"Oh god, don't tell me you're a cop sympathizer." Jocelyn scrunched her face, ready to put him out.

"Not at all actually. I think we should abolish our current structure of policing." Miles reassured her.

"Now we can agree on that." Pointing her fork at him, Jocelyn smiled brightly at the idea. "I don't mean to get political, but you know as a black woman I have to take certain precautions."

"Of course, I completely understand and I don't want to make you uncomfortable in any way." He rushed.

"I appreciate that," she laid her hand across his, "enough seriousness for tonight. Tell me about you. What are your hobbies? Your passions? Your dreams?"

"I'm not really an interesting person." He chuckled as he took another scoop of rice. "Uhh, I run my paint business which usually takes up 80% of my time. When I'm not working, I'm usually thinking about work."

"Oh come on, a man like you obviously goes to the gym. Do you like fitness?" Jocelyn questioned over her laughter.

"Like is a strong word," he joked, "it's more like something I know will pay off in the long run. What about you?"

"I hate working out." She confessed as she threw her head back with a huff. "The gym is filled with either the most judgmental gym heads, creeps, or people who have no clue what they're doing."

Jocelyn had tried a number of times to find a gym she liked, but each time she was met with some nuisance. It sparked a newfound hatred for gyms in general.

"I do like going biking though. It's fun to ride on the local trail or go out to the hills." She nodded before taking a sip of wine.

Jocelyn noticed Miles seemed to enjoy himself more when she did the talking. He watched her with an attentive expression as he followed her every word. Jocelyn always felt like a piece of art being studied under his gaze.

"I never got into biking, but I heard it's good for you."

"It's the only type of exercise I'll tolerate." Leaning back in her seat, she huffed at the full feeling in her belly and resisted the urge to unbutton her jeans.

"Full?" He questioned with a chuckle.

"Yes, this was very delicious." Jocelyn complimented.

"All thanks to you." He bowed slightly towards her before scooping the last of his food into his mouth. Jocelyn knew he was the type of person who could eat whatever he wanted and never gain a pound.

"Oh please, you did 90% of the work. I was just moral support." Standing, she grabbed his plate and made her way to the sink.

"And I couldn't have done it without that support." He rebutted as he stood next to her at the sink.

"Sure." Jocelyn laughed before beginning the process of washing dishes. Per usual, Miles helped her- taking the cleaned dishes, rinsing them, then putting them in the rack.

"Do want cups at the bottom?" He questioned before placing them on the towel.

"Yeah, you can just put them on that piece that sticks out." Pointing to the free space, Jocelyn felt touched that Miles was so considerate in all he did.

When they finished cleaning the kitchen, they settled on her couch and began searching for a movie to watch. They'd both gotten comfortable, their jeans unbuttoned as they stretched along the space.

"What about this one? 'A mother and daughter find themselves stranded in this deserted town, but help from the residents is the last thing they want.' Ohh, that sounds spooky." Jocelyn called as she scrolled through the selection.

"I hate seeing women in distress." Miles remarked as he leaned his head to the side.

"Aww, aren't you just a gentleman." Jocelyn faux gushed before laughing as he rolled his eyes. "You pick."

"N-no, my taste is shit." He suddenly stuttered at the offer.

"Well you like me, so you've got immaculate taste in my book." Jocelyn cackled at the goofy smile that replaced his nervous grimace.

"I guess I can agree." He remarked and Jocelyn fought the urge to kiss him. Miles was so oblivious to just how handsome he was and Jocelyn couldn't imagine the many women who'd surely picked up on that.

Since they'd agreed to take things slow, she always second guessed her actions. She didn't want him to feel like she was rushing things but also wanted to express her desire for him.

"Jocelyn?" Miles' voice interrupted her internal dialogue.

"Yeah, sorry." She nervously smiled as she realized she'd been staring at him the entire time.

"You do that a lot, you know."

"What?" Sitting up slightly, she tucked one leg under her.

"Get lost in your thoughts. I noticed it the first time we met." The observation was spot on and made her feel warm knowing he'd been paying close attention to her from the beginning.

"It's just a habit I developed when I was younger. I don't know, I guess I'm just used to having that space to think since I was never really that social." She shrugged.

"You weren't social? I'd have thought the opposite to be honest." He remarked as he once more gained that look in his eye.

Jocelyn wasn't sure what to call it. There was often a calculated yet soft look that he gained whenever she shared information with him. It was almost as if he were storing the information.

She'd noticed he'd also study her features when he thought she wasn't looking. Always a focused stare that burned lines along her skin like a pencil on a page. It never felt judgmental though, it was a stare of appreciation for each and every curve of her face.

"You're doing it again." Miles laughed softly before nudging her.

"I'm sorry." She placed her head in her hands.

"It's okay. I know how easy it can be to get lost in your own head." A warm hand along her upper back sent a shiver down her spine.

"S-sorry." He nervously spit, snatching his hand away at the feeling.

"Don't be. I don't mind it." Jocelyn eased his nerves as she slipped her hand in his.

The pair sat in silence for a moment as they stared at their intertwined fingers. Jocelyn's mind raced with thoughts about whether he was comfortable with the gesture but as his thumb began stroking her own, he washed the doubts away.

"I should start heading out."

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