L, J, and H (Part 1)

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A black furred female took a deep breath as she looked at the entrance to the place she ran from so long ago.

"Come on!" Meowed Ivypool. Twitching her tail as she waited to walk into camp with a very surprised guest.

"You're brothers are going to be so happy to see you. They missed you so much." Meowed Dovewing.

The emerald eyed cat froze. My brothers. Oh my brothers. I haven't thought about them in so long, the memories hurt so much. Please forgive me for leaving you when you needed me the most.

Slowly the trio walked into camp. Eyes wide with the memories and the pain of her past. Her eyes locked with a golden eyed Tom.

"Hollyleaf? No, it's not real?" He meowed in confusion.

"Hello Lionblaze. Oh how long it's been." She answered.

"How? How are you alive? I thought the mudslide killed you?" Meowed Lionblaze.

"No it didn't. It just looked like it did. I have been hiding in the tunnels since then." She meowed.

"Why didn't you come back to us?" Said Lionblaze.

Hollyleaf couldn't meet her brother's eyes. "I couldn't, Lionblaze."

"But just know that I never stopped wanting to know how you & Jayfeather where okay."

Lionblaze pressed his muzzle to Hollyleaf. "It was horrible thinking that you were dead."

"I'm so sorry my brother." Hollyleaf meowed.

"Are you ready to go see our cranky younger brother?" Lionblaze said.

Hollyleaf purred. "Ready as I'll ever be."

The Holly's dark leaf and the Lion's deep blaze needed the final missing piece the Jay's blue feather.

262 words

Well I'm alive!! Sorry for disappearing for so long but with the end of school soon I'll have more time to write. As always I want to know what you think so vote and comment!


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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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