Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf

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A large golden tom with Amber eyes walked into Starclan with his brother a small gray tabby with blind blue eyes

"Are you sure we can do this Jayfeather we are not dead and I am not a medicine cat". Lionblaze worried.

"We can try" Jayfeather said.

Suddenly a solid black she cat with green eyes appeared in the mist a few tail lengths away. The Lion and the Jay stared at their missing piece, the Holly.

"No" a choked meow came from Jayfeathers throat.

"It it CAN'T be! Lionblaze meowed.

"No no no H-hollyleaf is that you" Jayfeather whispered.

"Hello my dear brothers I have missed you both so so much". Hollyleaf spoke. Her fur shimmering with starlight.

"Your dead" Lionblaze said.

"I am" Hollyleaf mowed.

"Hawkfrost killed you and you protected Ivypool from him and it got you killed!" Jayfeather said.

"Than SHE got the honor of burying you when WE your brothers, your real family should have! Not her! Lionblaze yowled in pain.

"I know I wished that you could have too so much." Hollyleaf mowed.

"But you found the 3rd cat Dovewing!" Said Hollyleaf on a happy note.

"I know but I so wished it was you sister." Meowed Lionblaze.

"Oh I wished it to my brothers we were supposed to do everything together especially after what happened". Her meow broke.

"Ashfur" Jayfeather spat.

"My former mentor trying to kill us just because of Squirrelflight and Leafpools secret". Lionblaze growled.

"Oh I know." Hollyleaf meowed

I am proud of you both, Jayfeather being the best medicine cat even though your mentor is our mother! And Lionblaze having to fight our father and still follow commands of our former fake father and deputy Brambleclaw!". Hollyleaf said.

"I love you Lionblaze and Jayfeather" meowed Hollyleaf.

"No matter what you both will always be my brothers through thick and thin". Hollyleaf said.

"We love you too sister". Meowed both Jayfeather and Lionblaze.

Blue, amber and green eyes locked on each other. Jay, Lion and Holly said goodbye in their on way.

Yeah! 339 words. That is a lot better than my last one. Lionblaze, Jayfeather and Hollyleaf's reunion is something I have wanted to write for a long time! Thanks for reading my story! Ideas for next ones are SO helpful. - WolfWind150

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