Lion, Jay and Holly

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Rain darkened the Thunderclan camp as buckets and buckets fell to the earth. The camp was silent with horror and pain as the destructive Dark Forest cats ran through just minutes before.

Lionblaze slowly walked, muscles rippling with each movement. He was coated in blood, all not his own. Each paw step was a struggle as he got closer to the bodies of his dead clan.

He swallowed painfully as he looked at Ferncloud she basically raised him and his siblings. Now she was gone just like that.

"I will miss you Ferncloud, thank you so much for helping us throughout our life." Lionblaze meowed to the gray spotted she-cat.

He walked over to Firestar his leaders bright orange coat sticking to his body. Lionblaze felt grief hit him as he realized that the bright forest gaze would never strike him again.

He looked down the line of his dead clan. The living looking at him with pity in their eyes.

Why are they looking at me with such pity? Lionblaze thinks.

Time seams to stop and then he sees her. His perfect rule following sister.

"No!!" A scream of pure pain rings out in the air.

"No no Hollyleaf!" Lionblaze meows pain in every word.

"Jayfeather!!" He yowls in to the air filled with panic.

"What Lionblaze??" Frustration of taking care of so many injured clan mates was in Jayfeathers voice.

"Jayfeather it's it's Hollyleaf....," came the broken meow of Lionblaze.

"Hollyleaf? Does she need to go to the medicine cats den?" Asked Jayfeather.

"No, Jayfeather our sister is dead and is never coming back." Said a heartbroken Lionblaze.

"What? No no! Hollyleaf!!" Meowed Jayfeather.

The brothers raced over to their sister's dead body. Hollyleaf's black coat was slicked to her
herself but she looked exactly like a female Crowfeather. Ivypool was licking her rain thick fur. Blue eyes dark with sadness.

"What are you doing Ivypool??" Jayfeather hissed.

"She saved me I was about to be killed by Hawkfrost but Hollyleaf saved me." Meowed Ivypool.

"Who cares about your sob story!" Hissed Jayfeather.

"You know nothing about Hollyleaf!" Growled Lionblaze.

"Nothing at all and you claim that you knew her!" He growled.

"Did you know Iyypool, that the three of us when fox hunting when we were kits and nearly died, did you know that she was a medicine cat before she became a warrior!"

"Did you know that my former mentor was going to kill us all because of Squirrelflight and Leafpool's horrible secret!" Each word that Lionblaze said was going faster and faster filled with emotion.

"So do you still claim that you knew her Ivypool?" Hissed Lionblaze.

"No no of course not" Said Ivypool.

"So back away from my sisters dead body right now so my brother and I can say our goodbyes to OUR sister!" Snapped Jayfeather.

And so Ivypool ran, away from the two grieving brothers whose whole world has gone just as fast as the light left the green eyes of their beloved sister.

-So that was so much fun to write! What do you guys think of a part 2? But I will not post it if you don't leave a little or large comment so I know that someone is reading my book! I was SO very disappointed in the Erin's because they did not show Jay and Lion's reaction to Holly's death in the Great Battle..... I also hated that Ivypool was 'oh so' devastated by Hollys death when she didn't even know her!!! Sorry for the rant! I hope you love this chapter. Please leave a comment so I know that you are not just a computer!!😊

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