Firestar and Tallstar

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Two toms sat in the wonderful heaven that is Starclan.

One of them was a green eyed cat with flame colored fur that looked like fire. The other was a long tailed black and white tom with yellow eyes that has saw so many moons in his lifetime.

"May I ask why I am here Tallstar". The former leader of Thunderclan asked.

"I wish to tell you something that will clear some stuff up and something that I never have told any other cat" The former leader of Windclan meowed.

"Alright" Firestar said.

"Do you remember that day when you came to rescue my clan after Shadowclan ran Windclan out of our homelands". Meowed Tallstar anger and pain mingled in his voice.

"Like yesterday" Said Firestar.

"And that shock that I was in when I saw you" said the Windclan leader.

"Yes I do remember". Said Firestar

"Many many moons before then I was a new Windclan warrior I left my clan in search for my father's killer".

"Wow" Firestar meowed.

"I met a kittypet who saved me just as much as I saved him". Meowed Tallstar.

"He was a green eyes tom with a coat that looked like fire.

"Like me" Firestar breathed.

"Yes very very much like you". Meowed Tallstar.

"His name was Jake and he was the bestest friend an furious warrior bent on revenge could ever need".

"We caught up with Sparrow finally after a very long journey"

"Oh I was so prepared to kill the cat that killed my father Sandgorge".

"It was just us Sparrow and I oh so close to a cliff and a thunderpath on the base of the drop".

"He told me that Sandgorge did know about the danger of that tunnel but he still wished to show him".

" He told me the same thing Jake said moons before".

"How could you kill a cat that will never forget the fact that he killed his friend and will never let go of the shame and pain that he gave his only son".

" So I forgave him but then he fell down the cliff so I just had to save him and hoping that my father was proud of me" .

"Jake, well he was so glad that I did not kill Sparrow".

"So we made the long walk back to our homes".

"I asked him to stay with me and join Windclan".

" But he did not belong in my world as I did not belong in his".

"So I came back and a few moons later was deputy and then leader but I never forgot my flame colored friend".

"So you can imagine my shock and horror when I saw you, Jake's spitting image so clear that you are the son of my best friend coming to save me and my clan". Meowed Tallstar.

"Wow I can hardly  belive it!". Firestar mowed.

"Thank you Tallstar for telling me about him".

"May Starclan light your path Tallstar".

"Yours as well Firestar". Meowed Tallstar.

500 words! Thank you to all the people to read my stories! Share them and ideas are very welcome- WolfWind150

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