11. Crash.

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  • Dedicated to You. For reading this story <3

A/N: Hey guys~!

Just wanted to let you know that I'm planning on writing another fanfic~^^' 
It's a Jerza one, so it'll be different from my GaLe ones. It's called "Seduce Me If You Can" and basically it's got vampires, a large manor, a challenge and a time limit of a month. 
If anyone is good at making covers then please please please PM me about making one maybe...? I'D DEDICATE THE WHOLE BOOK TO YOU. AND VIRTUALLY HUG YOU. I'LL HUG YOU NOW IF YOU WANT.

Anyways~! Have fun reading this chapter, *evil laugh*

Gajeel's POV

Hours had passed since Levy and Juvia said they'd be back. I began to worry for them, but soon dismissed any emotions I felt towards Levy. A part of me felt like once I'd been given the company by my father, then Levy would leave... But another part knew that's what would happen.

Unable to do anything else, I decided to light a cigar and turn on my 70 inch plasma screen TV. PantherLily sat beside my armchair and huffed. He hadn't had a kiwi since the day before and since I wasn't his favourite anymore, I didn't give him any. 

Call me childish, but that's how I roll.

Once the television had turned on, I was shocked to what I saw. The news was talking about a car crash which had happened on a small country road close to the Heartfilia residence. There was no footage of the crash itself, but they did show a picture of the scene. 

A familiar black car was lying on its side at the side of the road, the right side of it was destroyed. The car doors were ripped off and thrown into the field beside it, glass covered the seats and the surrounding ground. There was a large patch of red, something which I assumed to be blood. What else would it be?

The news reporter kept talking about what had happened.

"...two young women riding in the black car were hit by a truck driver who claimed to not have seen them... the driver of the black car swerved to the left in order to try and escape but... the women have been rushed to Fiore Emergency Hospital for the seriously injured... a paramedic at the scene said 'The smaller one would be lucky to survive'... We're all hoping at Magnolia Studios that the victims recover well."

I pressed the button on the remote and the TV turned off. Still in shock, I struggled out of my seat and ran to the main entrance. 

"Did anyone see the news report?!" I yelled out at my staff. The majority of them raised their hands, their faces were sullen and one or two were shaking. I grabbed my long grey coat from the coat rack and rushed outside.

"Sir Redfox!" Some of them called out. "Where are you going?"

"To see my wife!" 

Unlocking the sports car, I jumped in and drove as quickly as I could to Fiore Emergency Hospital. There was little traffic which surprised me bearing in mind that Magnolia was thriving with night-time life at this hour. Streets seemed abandoned, shops closed early. It was late Sunday, but every day was a party day, something seemed off. Then I realized that I was driving towards a secluded place just on the outskirts of Magnolia. 

Whenever I felt scared or hurt I always went there. 

Once the graveyard came into sight, I stopped the car and got out. The cold air bit at my fingertips, I groaned when I finally recalled the fact that I'd been in such a rush I'd forgotten a scarf and gloves. 

"Doesn't matter." 

Making my way towards the large gate, I noticed that it had rusted from when I last visited. It's been that long huh? 

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