17. The Woman He Fell For

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Levy's POV

The grip on my ankle tightened as I struggled to get away. All around me there was fighting, I looked back at Gajeel and saw him moving towards me.

"You won't get away..." Josef growled. He pulled out a knife from a holster on his left hip and grinned viciously as he held it above me. It seemed to move in slow motion as it was brought down to cut my cheek. I cried out and kicked him with my free foot.

He toppled over and let go of my ankle. I used that time to crawl backwards, away from him and hopefully towards Gajeel. My hands were covered in mud along with my clothes, but all I wanted was to get away from the psychopath.

"Levy!" I heard a voice call out. Turning around I saw Gajeel crash down next to me and hold me tightly. "I won't let them take you again I swear!"

Although I didn't remember him, I felt safe in his arms... Like I could trust him with everything I had. I melted into the hug and felt tears streaming down my face. The contrast between the hot tears and my cold cheeks was unbelievable.

"I...I'm so scared...."

"Good." Gajeel's head snapped up and I heard him snarl at Josef. I turned to face him and bit back a sob. His face showed nothing but fury, in his hand he still held the knife he cut my cheek with. "I don't plan on letting either of you two live after this. Forget Draco Valle, ridding my life of you two will be so much more fun and beneficial."

"You touch her and you will die, I'm not making the same mistake twice." Gajeel held me closer to him in a protective way. "I'm taking Levy back to Fairy Tail, no matter what."


Gajeel's POV

She was shaking. Levy was in my arms, her whole body trembling. I glared at Josef who had a wild look in his eyes. How could someone be so cruel, so selfish and do this?

"Levy, stay safe." I released her and stood in front of her, separating Josef from her. "This is between me and you now. She can go."

"I don't think so."

He charged forwards, the knife held out towards me. I nudged Levy away and sidestepped when he came close. Then I grabbed his arm and punched his wrist as hard as I could, he yelped out in pain as he dropped the knife and brought his broken wrist close to him. I still had a hold on his arm and flipped him over my shoulder.

He fell to the floor with a thud. As I thought he may have stopped to catch his breath he surprised me by punching me behind my knee which caused me to fall forwards on to the ground as well. Whilst I was falling I saw him reaching for the knife I had thrown away, only to be stopped by Levy who brought the heel of her shoe down on his hand hard.

She kicked the knife further away and jumped back when Josef hand swiped out to grab her again.

"You're not getting me that easily ever again!" Then she ran closer and kicked him in the face.

Least to say, I was impressed.

Josef howled in pain as a tooth flew out of his mouth. I jumped up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, dragging him to his feet. I threw several punches to his face and finally dropped him when all I could hear from him was a whining sound.

My breathing was heavy and I had to steady myself so that I didn't pass out. I couldn't remember the last time I slept well. I turned around to face Levy who, too, was panting and trying to catch her breath.

"Let's go." I said to her, holding out my hand for her to take.

She looked up at me and smiled, taking it.


After we'd shown the rest of the gang that we won against Josef, it was over. We'd won. People were wounded, some weren't. We were lucky that no one actually died.

"Juvia." I gasped as I saw her lying on the floor, taking in as much air as she could. She was clutching her side where she had been shot.

I raced over to her and knelt beside her.

"Is... Is Levy safe?"

I nodded.

"G-Good..." She started coughing. "Could Gajeel do Juvia a favour?"

"Of course."

"Could he please move back a bit?"

I did as she said with a bit of shock, as I moved so did she. Juvia managed to sit up with a bit of swearing here and there, eventually she was sat up and closed her eyes to focus on her breathing.

"Medical kit." She said.

I looked over my shoulder to see if anyone was nearby, I saw Levy speaking to Wendy and point in our direction. Wendy looked at us and turned to reveal a box which she was holding, then she began to rush towards us.

When she reached us she fell on her knees and opened the box. Inside I saw needles, bandages, antiseptic cream and more medical things I couldn't name.

"Bullet?" Wendy asked.

"Yeah, it went through her-,"

"I can take it from here."

I was surprised at the sudden interruption but stood away from the scene and watched as Wendy patched Juvia up.

Around me there were little reunions and mini doctors. I smiled as I saw the Strauss siblings group hug, but gagged when I saw Natsu and Lucy looking all googley  eyes at each other.


I turned around and grinned when I saw Levy tugging at my shirt.

"Hi." Then I remembered everything Sol had told me, and grabbed her by her arms. "What did they do to you? Are you hurt anywhere? Did they shock you with water?"

"What?!" She looked scared and shook her head as fast as it would go. "I don't know what they've told you but I'm fine!"

I hugged her closely and sighed in relief. "I'm so sorry for being so hard on you, I bet you don't forgive me huh? But... This whole thing... Even though it was set up I still-,"

She pushed against me for a moment until I let go (with some shocked surprise I might add), then she looked around and kicked the floor with her foot.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Then again, I don't have any recollection from the past few months."


"Lucy asked me what I last remembered and apparently it was some time ago." Levy looked at me and stuck out her hand. "I guess we should reintroduce ourselves then. I'm Levy McGarden, although I suppose you already knew that."

I laughed and took her hand. "I'm Gajeel Redfox, your fake husband."

She gasped. "We're fake married? Is that why-,"

"Yes, that's why you were kidnapped. They're trying to ruin my reputation. The whole reason why I was getting married was because my father wanted me to prove to him that I could manage something, then he would feel comfortable handing down the company to me." I explained to her, she nodded at the story and when I finished she beamed.

"So, did you get it?"


"The company! What did your dad say?"

"We haven't been to see him."

"Really?" She thought for a moment then looked back at me. "Why don't we go and pay him a visit then?"


It's a short chapter but hey, I'm focusing on quality, not quantity here.

Recently my writing has been poor so this chapter is *hopefully* better written than the others.

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