18. Hey There Dad

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Levy's POV

"Just go in."

"I can't."

"Yes you can, you have legs. Now move!" I pushed Gajeel into the hospital room with all the force I could gather. He reluctantly stumbled through the doorway and removed his hat and sunglasses when he saw the patient in the bed. I followed him in and patted down my dress.

It had been a week since the whole fighting event. Thanks to everyone's help, I had managed to recover quite a few of my lost memories and relearn what Gajeel meant to me. During the time when I was in the coma I recalled one voice consistently ringing out in my ears. That I assumed was Gajeel's voice.

The man in front of us in the bed had his eyes closed and was breathing peacefully. Gajeel placed his hat on the nearby seat and tucked his sunglasses into his front blazer pocket. His long black hair was tied back into a low ponytail revealing more metal studs on his ears.

"Hey old man." He started to speak but then closed his mouth shut. Gajeel turned to face me and shrugged. "I don't know what to say."

I sighed at the hopeless man. "I'll say it then." Carefully I pushed past him and sat by his father's side. "Hello there Mr Redfox. I'm Levy Redfox..." I paused and looked at Gajeel, examining his face. He raised his eyebrows in question to which I merely responded with an eyebrow raise.

"Go on then," he nodded.

"My real name is Levy McGarden," I told Mr Redfox. "I met Gajeel, your son, through an event which I don't think should be told right now. Anyway, he took me on as his fake wife to show you how he is worthy enough to take over your company. In the process of this, we both actually fell for each other which technically breached the contract we made." I smiled at Gajeel who moved over to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Ain't that the truth."

"So, as a proper witness, I believe I can tell you that your son is worthy enough. I may be fibbing though, I'm kind of suffering some memory loss here and there."I grinned. "Although I do remember a casino and strip poker involved-," Gajeel moves his arms towards me and put his hand over my mouth, muffling my laughter.

"Okay that's all now. He doesn't need to hear that." Gajeel lifted me out of the seat and moved me to the door. "I'll just have a minute to talk with him if you don't mind."

I nodded and left the room.

Gajeel's POV

As Levy left the room I shut the door behind her and turned to face my father. I crossed my arms and grinned looking around the room.

"So whadd'ya think?" I asked him.

There was no response for a minute but after I continued to look at him with a glint in my eye I caught the old man snickering.

"How did you know?" He asked, sitting up in his bed.

"You? In a coma? It was the worst baloney I've ever heard about you. I mean come on, you may be old and dying but it ain't coma dying; besides, you just love naps." I made my way over to him and took his outstretched hand. "What did ya think by the way? About Levs."

"She's a good girl, very sweet from the short time I had with her. Invite her back in."

"I've got a better idea," I murmured an idea to him and grinned as he nodded. "So when she walks over you know what to do okay?"

"She's going to hate us for this."

"But it'll be worth it."


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