3. And the Drama begins

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Levy's POV

"I CANT BELIEVE IT!" Lucy screamed.
"Lucy! I wasn't meant to tell you at all so please, hush!" The whole place had heard about my false engagement ever since I accidentally told Mira.
"Levy! I heard that you're on holiday leave for six months due to family problems!" Mira scurried towards me from behind the counter and hugged me tightly. "It was so sudden but it was official and I had to respect it and you weren't answering your phone and Lucy didn't know where you were!"
"Calm down Mira! I've got caught up in something unimaginable. Don't worry, in six months I'll be back and I'll work extra time!"
"What did you get caught up in?"
"Don't tell anyone okay?"
"Sure sweetie."
"I'm engaged, well kinda married..."
Lucy ran towards me from the back room after hearing what I just said.
"Look, six months isn't that long..."
"But you'll be married over the summer! And we won't be able to go around Earthland like we planned!"
"We could! I could ask Mr Redfox to let me have a couple of weeks off!" I smiled, planning ways to get Redfox to let me have a couple of weeks off.
"Why don't you just not go back to his mansion?" Gray asked.
"I sighed a contract, plus he can make my identity non-existent if he wants." I shuddered as I remembered what he had threatened.
"It's so bad how you've gotten in such a mess." Lisanna sighed, hugging me.
"Hey, it won't be all bad. I'll have a huge library to check out! I visited it last night, well this morning and I fell asleep there!" Grinning I told them all how big the library was and how excited I was to go on my midnight adventure again.
"So you fell asleep in the library, but woke up in your room?"
"Uh huh. I was too scared to tell Redfox since I didn't want him knowing that I was snooping around again..."
"If hate to be in your position right now." Lucy admitted. "Oh shoot is that the time?!" She pointed to the clock which read 02:00pm.
"Oh right, Lucy you've got that boiler guy coming to check your central heating!" Mira realised. "Levy you should go with her, the regulars will be here in minutes and Lucy needs your help with sorting her life out."
"I do not! But actually, Levy if you came along that would be perfect!"
"Why? Is it the same guy as last time?" The last time Lucy had needed her central heating checked out, a douche came to fix it but he charged her more than the normal price, tried flirting with her when at the time she had a boyfriend and was an absolute pain in the ass.
"Yeah, and Erza is out today protecting Jellal."
"It's amazing how as soon as she starts her bodyguard career she gets chosen to be one of the council men's bodyguard!" Mira said, making little hand gestures to get across her point.
"Well, come on Lucy. If we get there now then we'll see him if he tries to do anything." I said before standing up and putting on my coat.
"Eh?! What do you think he would do?!" Lucy stared at me wide eyed.
"He could try to break in, steal stuff, or just be a pervert and try and see if you're taking a shower." I shrugged, listing off any sort of possibilities.
"Let's go. I don't want that creep anywhere near my house again!" She wailed. "He is really creepy though!! I don't want him go stalk me oh gosh no!" Lucy shook her head as we walked out and made our way to her house.


Lucy's house was a small bungalow which was very sweet. Isolated from the rest of town, it sat near the abandoned observatory on the hill.
"We still need to go exploring there don't we?" Lucy giggled.
"Yeah, wait isn't that the guys-,"
"Shhhh. I don't wanna know. Let's just go to the door and get this over with...." Lucy shuddered.
"Miss Heartfilia! Good to see you!"
"H-Hi Derek...."
"I've checked the outside of the house and all seems well." He grinned, I gently shook my head. He obviously hadn't checked the outside because Lucy had told me of problems the night before concerning the outside of the house.
"Let's continue inside then Derek." I said, takin Lucy's key and opening her front door.


"Bye Miss Heartfilia! Oh and bye Miss McGarden!" Derek finally left Lucy's house, three hours after we met him.
"I'm never hiring him again."
"Why did you hire him today if you knew he was such a creep?"
Lucy's eyes widened for a moment, then she crumpled to the floor.
"H-He's the cheapest guy and the easiest to afford." She looked at me and wailed, "I'm not lucky enough to be chosen by a rich guy to be his wife! I'm poor and lonely, and hungry, and cold and and and-!"
"Calm down Lucy, do you want to want a movie or something then?"
"I can't!" She moaned. "I have to go back to work, well not Fairy Tail. I'm going for a job interview and if I get it then all my financial problems will be sorted."
"Okay okay, I'll be going then. I think I should head back to the mansion, Redfox likes to know where I am at all times."
I began to walk off when Lucy called out.
"Why don't you call him by his first name?"
"... I don't know, but I just can't trust him yet. Calling him by his surname feels safer in a way."
She nodded as if she understood, then strolled back into her house and waved goodbye from the front window.

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