14. Training

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Gajeel's POV

We trained from when the sun rose in the east, to when it set in the west. It was tough, but it was so we could save Levy.

By 'we' I mean Fairy Tail, my new... how to put this without sounding bad...

Family. My new and improved family.

The cafe where Levy worked, to be honest I was surprised she didn't know but, there were many people who I knew from the streets. They weren't bad like Rogue's gang Sabertooth and roamed around all the time; no instead they were the ones who came out when it was time to play, never to kill time.

The combination of people who were in Fairy Tail amazed me, there was a hot headed freak called Natsu (he was also a stupid business partner), a cold headed freak, Juvia (she'd joined with me when she heard about it, plus I couldn't leave her alone when we left Phantom Lorde), a red haired weapons maniac and an alcoholic.

A good group of people.

We trained at the main house, the gang-hall. It was the house of the gang's founder. Vermillion residence.

"Gajeel!" I spat out the soda and gagged for air.

"Flippin' heck Mavis! What is it?"

The founder handed me a paper cup filled with water, "We've established that the only drink we're having is water. Cana agreed so you're no exception!" I was about to point out the fact that Mavis had a blackcurrant Fruit-Shoot in her hand but stopped when I remembered how she could turn the tables by bringing on the fake tears.

Apparently when the little girl cries you're the bad guy.


"Alright, when are we going to practice fighting? In two minutes? Because this break has gone on for way too long."

Mavis looked at the ladybug watch on her wrist and frowned. "My watch has stopped; what's the time?"

"Half four."

"When did the break start?"

"One o'clock."

"Ehhh!?" She exclaimed, then she whistled for everyone to meet in the fighting room. "Quickly! We've wasted too much time!!"

Whilst Mavis sped off, I followed her at a slower pace, one which allowed me to properly look at the walls around me.

They were adorned with pictures, some portraits others of beautiful scenery. I knew that Mavis loved paintings since they reminded her of the past, she looked twelve but really she was older. Since it's rude to ask a lady her age I've never known how old she truly is.

One picture was bigger than the rest and it was right beside the secret stairwell in the fighting room, everyone remembered it so that they knew the exit of the fighting room, but I liked to look at it and smile. It was a picture of Mavis and four others, one was Mavis' adoptive sister and the other three were old friend's of hers. They lost contact a while ago but Mavis still talks about them and tells jokes as if they're still with her.

Soon enough, I'd made my way to the fighting room from the break room and opened the door to see Natsu and Gray in a head to head fight. The room was split into two teams. I wasn't surprised to see Blondie on Natsu's team and Juvia on Gray's. I was surprised however when Mira-Jane dragged me over to Natsu's team and said that I was next to fight.

I watched as Natsu threw a punch to Grays face but was blocked by Grays hand. Gray clasped his hand over Natsus fist and twisted Natsu's arm around. The hot head breathed in sharply then kicked Grays stomach in order to get the black haired man away from him.

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