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Before my parents decided to get a divorce we where so happy all the time. Ma and  pa always got along and they did everything together. I guess that it is just harder for me to understand since I have never broken up or even dated anyone. You could say that their marriage slowly crumbled over the years like an over cooked cookie.

At times I'm glad that they are breaking up because over the last few months they have been non stop screaming at each other, but then again they are my parents and I love them both so I don't want to have to choose between them.

My pa moved into a hotel and has been staying there for the last few weeks. I have been visiting him twice a week and when I do I can see the joy fill his eyes. I wish that I could see him all the time and I wish that I could see my ma and pa at the same time but no matter how much I wish they will never love each other the same again.

Truth be toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora