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When the bell went at the end of the day 3 words came to mind

Longest day ever.

I go to my locker putting my books back and grab my back pack. Closing the locker door, I swing the strap over my shoulder and head for the front of the school. Kids where pushing and running to get outside, and it was hard to get out.

I push through he crowd to the door to be met by William.

"Um. Hi Angelica. I'm so sorry about what I did I don't know what I was thinking."

"That's okay. Be honest with me. Do you like me for real or was that a prank?"

"No. I really do like you. Do you like me?"


My answer took me by surprise, and by the look on Williams face him too. I was about to lean in and kiss him when I started getting pushed.

"We should probably move," I said to William grabbing his arm.

We went over to a bench an sat waiting for the bus. I asked William if I could call him Will and we had a conversation about nicknames. The bus pulled up and the two of us shuffled on still talking, when it dawned on me.

If Will likes me, and I like Will,what happens to Lauren?

Truth be toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora