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I snap out of my thoughts at the sound of the bell. With wide eyes I straighten my back as Mr.Sheana dismisses us. I scoop up my things and walk towards the door. I'm just about out but Mr.Sheana stops me.

"Angelica I noticed you weren't paying attention very much today. Are you unhappy with your class and classmates?"

"I'm fine. I'm fine."

"Alright. If there is anything bothering you, you can come to me." He says as he gestures for me to leave.

While walking out the door thankfully that he didn't push me for more answers, I look at my schedule. Of course I have sex ed class. Sighing I walk down the hall to a class door that says

"Mrs. Jensen. Sex Education class." I walk in finding a seat in the middle row in between 2 boys. After waiting for what seemed like 5 hours a short, thin, blond haired woman came in.

"Alright everyone today we will be learning about safety." Mrs. Jensen said while writing something on the black board.

The rest of the class passed by quickly. I got no homework and so far everything seemed easy. For now at least.

Truth be toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora