43 4 1

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep.

I sit up smashing my hand against the top of the alarm to make it shut up. I stretch climbing out of bed, and grab some skinny jeans with a "I hate haters" T-shirt. I pull the jeans on then slide my door open. I walk downstairs and find Ma in the kitchen. I walk in and sit in the stool at the counter.

"You look nice." Ma sleepily said.

"Thanks. you do to." I say smiling

"Oh. You noticed my beautiful hair. Sleep can do that." Ma said laughing.

I grab a pice of toast, spread some butter and jam on it and start to eat. When I finish I go to the door to grab my back pack. Quickly I throw my binder, pencils, paper and lunch in it. I grab my sweater off the back of the couch and go into the kitchen.

"Ma what school am I going to anyway?" I ask.

"Oh. You are going to Lake Short Middle School with Lauren." Ma said. "I probably should have told you that yesterday. Well you need to get out. The bus will pick you up at the corner. Have a good day."

"You to Ma. I'll try my best." I say quietly.

I walk out the front door and down the steps onto the driveway. I walk looking down and not looking where I'm going.
Beeeeeeep, beeeeeeeep

"Get out of the way!" A driver screams. "Watch were your going.

"Sorry. Sorry." I say jumping off the road.

Panting I walk down to the corner. I stop just as the bus pulls in front of me. I climb on waving at the bus driver and go to find a seat.

"Can I sit here?" I ask a girl in the front seat.

"No" she says back.

"Okay. Can I please sit here?" I say to the girl two seats behind.

"No." She blandly says back.

Finally when I get to the back a boy moves over and gestures for me to sit down.

"Thank you. The people on this bus are very rude." I say smiling at him." I'm Angelica."

"Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm William." The boy says shaking my hand."

"William? Your William Pancason?" I ask.

"Yes." William said a little freaked out.

I stare at him with bug eyes.

"I just met William. Lauren's William." I think to myself.

"How do you know who I am." He asked.

"Oh. I know Lauren."I say

"Oh. Who's Lauren?" He asks

"Lauren Dinstion." I say slowly.

"I'm not sure who that is exactly." William said embarrassed.

"Well it was nice to meet you." I say turning on my music.

I turn away from him thinking.

"I met the guy Lauren likes. He doesn't even know who she is. OMG. I like him to. He is so cute." I think.

I look up as we pull into the school bus drop off. I stand up with my bag and stumble to the front with a group of people in front of me. I jump off, move to the side an pause. Taking a deep breath I step thorough the gates and walk towards the front doors.

Truth be toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora