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Today it's official, the papers are signed and my parents are no longer married. I sit and watch as the papers are filed in large army green filing cabinets, and think to myself what will happen next? Will they never talk, will I be forced away from one of them?

As I sit in my trance, I am startled by a conversation I hear around the corner between Ma and Pa.

"You are not taking my daughter away" I here Pa blurt out. "She is just as much mine as she is yours"

"Rob it's the best thing for Angelica. There are great schools and all sorts of different things." Ma said as if Pa was a child.

"I'm done talking about this."Pa hissed as he stomped off.

I sit shocked at the fact that ma wants to take me away to some unknown place and she hasn't even told me. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard my name so it was hard not to.

When I woke up the next morning and went down for breakfast I found my Ma sitting in the kitchen. I got a bowl, pored some dry Cheerios and sat down when my Ma started talking to me.

"We are moving to England." She said excitedly.

"What! We can't move to England. What about Pa and all of my friends. We can't move to England." I spewed out.

"We are moving to England. I already have a house and the movers are scheduled to come in four days."Ma argued.

Quickly I push my chair back hard and stomp up to my bedroom. Just before I get inside I turn and scream out to my Ma,
"I'm not going to England. I'm staying right here!" And I slammed the door.

Truth be toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora