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The airport is busy. I wait in the security line with Ma, and all I can think about, is how I'm about to get on a one way plane heading for England. I put my bags on the checking point and go to get myself checked.

When me and Ma are both through security we go to board the plane.

" May I please have your ticket dear." A woman asks.

" Angelica give this woman your ticket so you can get on the plane." Ma said nudging my shoulder.

" Oh. S-Sorry I wasn't paying attention." I stutter.

" That's alright. Enjoy your flight." The woman says as she passes us to get on the plane.

When me and Ma finally get on the plane and get our bags in the overhead compartments we sit down. I sit for awhile not doing anything but staring at the back of the seat in front of me.

" So aren't you just so excited for England sweet pea?" Ma chirped.

" Umm. No not really Ma." I spit out.

" Hey! I'm just trying to have a nice conversation with you, but if your going to be like that just close your mouth!" Ma spat back.

" Fine!" I say grabbing my laptop and headphones out of my bag. 

I sit listening to my music when I here a faint voice saying that the plane is taking off. I'm leaving. No turning back now.

Truth be toldDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora