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As days goes by Amber and Alex went along with each other so well that they hang out more often and some of Amber's old friends and most especially Danny he sees that there's something between the two that Amber is more frequently hanging out with Alex.

At school, when Danny saw Amber alone she approached her.

"Hey Am, what's up?"

"Hey Danny, What's up dude?"

They bump their shoulders as they greet each other.

"I'm cool Danny nothings new. You?"

"Hmmm is it that there's nothing new?"

Amber got confused to what her friend is saying.

"What do you mean? Because as far as I know that I'm still me?"

Danny knowing Amber for being such a dense friend of his. Just giggled

"Hey dude you're a really dense one."

Amber being so innocent just looked at Danny with a confused and curious reaction.

"It's about that girl, you always hang out with."

"Okay? So what's with her?"

Amber showed a confused look to Danny.

"Well, Are you liking her?"

"Yeah, I like her."

"You like her? As in LIKE HER!"

"Yeah, why do seems surprised? Who wouldn't like her she's kind, sweet, friendly and approachable. And..."

"And what? You love her."

Amber got confused to what Danny said.

"Danny are you okay? I said I like her not love her. Are you being deaf lately? She's also a good friend of mine." Amber smiled to Danny.

"So you mean that you are not hitting her?"

"WHAT? Hitting her?! NO! I am not we are just very good friends. We have talked about it too her liking me."

"Oh okay."

Amber looked at Danny smiling with an eyebrow raised.

"You like her. Aren't you?" Amber teased Danny.

"Huh? No I... I just wanted to know.."

"Is that all that you want?" while looking to Danny, Amber move her eyebrows up and down.

"Yeah That's all and.."

"And what? You have a crush on her." Amber still teasing Danny.

"No Its because you no longer hang out with me. It's always her that you go with."

"Oh.. so my best friend is being jealous." Amber nudge Danny's shoulder.

Danny was just silent. Amber teased him again.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Amber trying to have eye contact with Danny but Danny is trying to avoid the eye contact since his having teary eyes.

"Hey, dude! Don't be jealous to her. I 'm just trying to be a good friend to her but you will always be my dearest best friend okay?"

Then Danny slowly looked to Amber.

"Am I your only best friend?"

Amber giggled since she's trying to contain her laughter to Danny's looks. Seeing him being teary eyes but she felt how caring her best friend is towards her.

"Yes you are one of my best friend." Amber looked to what Danny's reaction would be.

"Hey I said that I am your only best friend." Danny crossed his arms close to his chest.

And the laughter that Amber is trying to contain exploded.


"Hey why are you laughing? I didn't say any funny thing."


"And why me? I didn't do anything funny?" Danny raised an eyebrow.


"AMBER!" Danny said Amber's name with a higher tone. That made Amber stopped and looked at Danny.

"Hey, don't get mad. I am still your only best friend okay? And you are my best friend that I can always lean on. I just can't stop.. hehehe laughing because of how you look like." Amber smiled to Danny.

"And how do I look that made you laughed like that. You laughed like you seen a funny clown."

"Because of how teary eyes you have and it's kind of funny to me for I always see you the strongest dude and then seeing you like that it made me laughed. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. What are we best friends for?" Danny head lock Amber and they laughed to each of their antics. They talked about the things that they did separately when Amber is hanging out with Alex.



Hi dear readers been a long time since I updated this book. Been caught up with a lot of things.

And the drafts that I made has been deleted accidentally. Trying to remember the flow of the story that I had already written.

Hope everyone is doing fine. Keep safe  everyone and take care.

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