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Y/n's POV:

I hopped on the bus, soaked and tired, and took my airpods out of my bag. I decided to sit on my own at the back of the bus, where no one was.

I put my airpods in and opened up youtube, putting a tommyinnit video on. I smiled while watching the video, these people felt like home. I stared out at the boring streets and sighed wishing I had friends like these.

The tires screeched as the bus came to a halt. I prayed no one would come to the back where I was sitting, I wasn't good in social situations.

Two women stepped in, followed by a man and a child. They all went to the front and sat down peacefully. Relief.  I stared back out of the window not noticing another person get on.

I heard a voice from beside me say "hello, can I sit here" I nodded without looking up at them, I put my phone down next to me and curled up, lying my head on the window. I shivered.

I heard the voice again " is that tommyinnit your watching? I find him a bit annoying sometimes." This made me look up at them.

I was shocked to see a tall man with fluffy, brown hair, red beanie and a mustard yellow jumper. He smiled at me, knowing I recognised him.

"Wilbur soot..." I said, the words just slipping out of my mouth.

"Yep that's me" he giggled.

"Wow, I just didn't expect this, im sorry er for being antisocial earlier." I said, hoping he didn't think I was rude.

"Hey, don't worry, I totally understand. I used to hate being social aswell" he reassured me and smiled. " do you mind if I sit here?" He asked, motioning to the seat next to me.

"N- no not at all" I stuttered.

"So, let me guess.." he started "your sleep schedule is messed up?"

"Yup." I said, sighing.

"How old are you?" Wilbur asked.

"I'm 23, should probably get a job instead of just watching YouTube all day" I said, now regretting I just told my idol I'm unemployed.

"Hey, don't worry, you will find work eventually." He reassured me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Sorry for not asking before, but could I get your name?" He asked politely.

"Um yeah it's Y/n, and yours?" I asked sarcastically.

"Wilbur soot, nice to meet you!" He said back. We both giggled. We talked for about half an hour, getting along really well and having some laughs before the bus came to my stop.

"Damn, this is my stop, it was great meeting you!" I got up and placed all my stuff back in my bag.

"This is my stop too, no need to say goodbye yet!" Wilbur smiled and picked up his stuff too.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot you lived in Brighton!" I laughed at my stupidness and got off the bus with wilbur.

Wilburs POV:

I smiled as I walked away from the bus stop with Y/n. Infact I couldn't stop smiling. So many thoughts were running through my head. We reached the street where my office was, I didn't want to tell her this was where I had to go because I was having so much fun. "Darn, this is where my brothers office is and I promised I'd come help him set up his computer." Y/n said. "No way! This is where my office is!" I said in excitement. "Pog!' Y/n shouted. I giggled as we walked towards the building where my apartment was. "Hey, do you want me to help set up your brothers computer? We would get it done a lot faster!" I gestured. "Yeah! Thanks..." she stopped "can I call you wil?" She added. "Yeah, of course!" I said happily. We walked into the building and Y/n showed me the way to her brothers office.

Y/n's POV:

I couldn't believe my luck! Not only had I met Wilbur soot but he was offering to help me and my brother?! This night couldn't get any better. I knew my brother would be hyped since he's a big Wilbur soot fan too. "That's his office their" I said pointing to his door. Wilbur opened the door "ladys first!" He insisted. I smiled and said "thankyou". I really felt like we could be good friends, the only problem was, I was too scared to ask for his number. "Hey ethan! We're here to help set up your computer and pc." I said taking his headphones off so he would listen. "What do you mean 'we're' ?" He said confused. "Hey ethan!" Wilbur said standing in the door way, his head skimming the door frame. "Wow! Wilbur soot!! Pleasure to meet you! I love your videos, a-and your music!" Ethan said with excitement and holding his hand out. Wilbur shook his hand and smiled "I appreciate the support ethan!". Ethan smiled and asked "is this the same building your office is in?". "Yeah it is actually, hold on." Wilbur said and then left the office room. About 30 seconds later we heard rustling through the wall infront. "WOOOO!" we heard Wilbur scream from infront of us. I giggled and went to the office infront of ethans, and sure enough, their was Wilbur. Me and wilbur went back into ethans office giggling. "Thats so poggers!" Ethan shouted as his face lit up. "How old are you ethan?" Wilbur asked. "I'm 18." Ethan replied. "Do you stream?" Wilbur asked. "I am starting next week! Hopefully I'll get big one day, like you!" Ethan said happily. "Cool!" Said wilbur. "Let's get this set up, it's gonna take a while" I said unpacking some of ethans stuff. We set it all up and had some fun while doing so, It was time for me to go. "I'm gonna head home now, I'm really tired, see ya Ethan! Bye wilbur, thanks for helping, maybe I'll run into you some other time here." I said knowing we would probably see each other when I was visiting my brother. "Hey um, what if we don't just see each other here?" Wilbur asked "What if we saw each other on purpose... Well what I'm trying to say is, well um, can I have your number?" He added. "Yeah! Of course!! Um here I'll wright it down for you" I wrote down my number for him and handed him the piece of paper. "Thanks! I think we're gonna be great friends!" Wilbur said, smiling. "Bye wil!" I shouted from down the corridor. I walked back home feeling good I'd made a friend, I didn't care too much that it was Wilbur soot, I just cared I had a friend for once.

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