YHMAH7-Moving Day

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Chapter 7...Moving Day

(Sunshine's P.O.V.)

I hardly slept. I couldn't sleep. I was way too excited. Everything was coming together in the best possible way. Soon enough the kids and I would have our own place. Our own home. Even if it was only temporary, at least we would all be together under the same roof. It had been ages since that had happened. I literally jumped out of bed when my alarm went off. Today was moving day.

Damien showed up bright and early with coffee in hand.

"I don't know about you, but I'm not awake until I've had at least had my coffee," Damien stated handing me a cup as well.

"Oh my god thank you!" I squealed. It tasted like heaven.

I let Damien into my apartment. I watched as he looked around. It was a little odd having a guy in my apartment other than Joey. Oliver made his appearance known as he rubbed up against Damien's jeans.

"And who is this little guy?" Damien asked picking him up.

"I wouldn't do that, he's not very friendly to strangers," I replied. And just then I heard Oliver's motorboat of a purr sounding off. "I take that back."

"It's my thing. Animals and babies dig me," Damien laughed.

"Or Oliver is trying to lull you into a fake sense of security so he can evaluate your weaknesses," I smirked.

"You're so weird, but I love it," Damien stated blushing. "So anyways. Where do we start? I've rented a moving van we're all set to start moving some furniture!"

(Damien's P.O.V.)

Sunshine had to be related to Mary Poppins. She was her long lost great great great grandmother or something because I have no idea how she crammed all of her stuff into that tiny apartment. We have been unloading this truck for hours. But the best surprise was when we brought her niece and nephew over to the house.

"We get to live here?" Hannah squealed with so much joy. "And I get a room to myself?"

"Yep, you sure do!" Sunshine replied hugging her niece.  "Do you want to go see it?" Hannah just nodded her head and they raced inside the house.

Mom had some of our old bedroom furniture delivered to the house. My sister's old bed was placed in Hannah's room, while the boys had my old bunk beds. Sunshine loved it of coarse because it was vintage, and good for the environment. My mom loved it because it cleared up some space in her basement.

I walked in to Hannah's room where she was admiring her new bed. The room still looked very blah. It didn't have any character whatsoever. It didn't look like a little girls room. The girls were hanging up some of Hannah's clothes. I walked across the hall and saw the boys doing the same, and again the room was so unfriendly. It needed something else.

I text Sunshine and told her I had a quick errand I had to run and would be back shortly. If the kids were going to be living here, I wanted it to feel like their home.

(Sunshine's P.O.V.)

After everything was unloaded from the truck and the kids were unpacked I tried to decide which room I was going to tackle first. There was so much that needed to be done. I had so many ideas running through my head. I was kinda anxious because I wasn't completely sure how Damien was going to feel about all my ideas. After all this was going to be his house, and I'm sure we had completely different tastes. I was definitely a free spirit, and I loved everything boho. I saw Damien more as a minimalist/contemporary. I was trying to see if there was anyway I could combine the two. As I sat down with my pencils and paper, I started sketching ideas.

I was brought back to reality when I heard a loud knocking on the door. It was Damien and his hands were full with bags of supplies.

"What in the world?" I asked very confused. "What is all of this?"

Damien dropped it all on the counter. "We're going to have a paint party!" Damien replied.

I just looked at him shocked. "You know this is going to take like all day and it's going to be really messy especially if the kids help," I stated. I didn't see him being a Mr. Cool when it came to paint all over the house.

"Those kids deserve to have bedrooms all their own. Not another room with ugly walls and hand-me-down furniture," Damien stated. Who was this man? He truly had the biggest heart. "Let's party!"

(Damien's P.O.V.)

Hannah's room was lavender with white trim. Sunshine had hot glued fake flowers and greenery to a canopy to make her bed look like something out of a princess fairytale. I also found a night light that projected thousands of tiny little lights all over her room so she could look at the "stars" at night. Sunshine had told me how Hannah was scared of the dark sometimes.

The boys had dark gray room with black accents. We found some Sports decals that could be stuck onto the wall. Their favorite part of course was the small basketball goal I hung on the wall for them. It doubled as a dirty clothes hamper.

I know it may seem like a stupid thing to make such a big fuss over their rooms, but I know it meant the world to them. It meant the world to Sunshine too. I wanted the kids to know that there were still good people in the world that cared for them. I wanted them to feel like they mattered. Because they did. All kids do for that matter.

"Damien, the kids love their rooms, I can't believe you went through all that trouble just to make them feel special," Sunshine stated smiling.

"Sunshine, I would want someone to do the same for my family it they were in this position," I replied somberly. Someone had done that for my family. My brother and my sister took care of my son when I couldn't. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes. I quickly looked away from Sunshine and walked outside. I needed some air.

(Sunshine P.O.V.)

Why did Damien run outside like that? Did I upset him? I followed him and found him sitting on the swing on the front porch. I quietly sat down beside him. I didn't say a word. I just looked at the stars. I could feel the pain that Damien was carrying around. Everyone has baggage, and everyone has a story, but I wasn't going to push him for his. I just wanted him to know I was here. I placed my hand on his. We just sat there in silence.

"I'm sorry, that was very rude of me," Damien finally stated breaking the silence.

"How?" I asked confused.

"I shouldn't have stormed off like that," Damien said tossing his other hand through his hair. I never understood why guys did that. It was like he was trying to hide the fact that he has emotions.

"You know you are one of the most opened  and closed off people I have ever met," I laughed. "You intrigue me Mr. Conn."

A smile just burst across his face. It was so genuine it made his eyes squint. There's the handsome big hearted guy I know.

"You intrigue me as well, Ms. Stewart," Damien replied. I just laid my head on his shoulder and we continued to swing in silence.

It was a very beautiful night to swing. The sky was clear enough you could see the stars over the city lights. I looked up at Damien and he met me with a kiss. It started off soft. And then his hands were in my hair and I deepened the kiss. I don't know what it was. But he felt like home. Maybe it was the shared feeling of trauma that linked us. But all I knew was I wanted this man bad. I crawled on top of his lap and continued to make out with him like a rebellious teenager afraid of getting caught. I could tell he was enjoying it as well.

"Ew!!!!!!!!!!" Jacob shouted from the window.

"Damien and Sunshine sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Hannah sang. And just like that the moment was gone.

"Goodnight Ms. Stewart," Damien said shaking my hand.

"Goodnight Mr. Conn," I replied smirking as I watched him walk to his car and drive away.

What was happening to me?

Oliver came and crawled in my lap and started purring. "Yeah I miss him already too. At least I have you to keep me company," I laughed and Oliver jumped down and ran into the house. The trader he was probably just trying to cuddling up to me so I would give him more food. I was onto him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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