YHMH6-A Little TLC

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Chapter 6.... A Little TLC

(Damien's P.O.V.)

The look of Sunshine's face as she saw the price of the townhouse kept running through my mind. She had looked so crushed. The market for houses around here was horrible. I was lucky to find the house I found, well there was no luck to it. My parents had helped me.

I looked around my little house and it was sad because it didn't even look like a home. It was missing those little homie touches, you know? Hell most of my things were still in boxes. It looked as if I had just moved in, and it's been almost a year now.

Do I really need all this space?

I started browsing the internet for more houses in the same area Sunshine was trying to stay in. I understood why she wanted to stay around the same neighborhood, but I knew it was definitely going to be hard to find something in her price range.

As I was scrolling I came across a small Craftsman that was going to be foreclosed on. It was in the right neighborhood. It was in the right school district. It was actually closer to downtown than the townhouse. From the pictures though, it needed a lot of work.

Just then my phone rang and it was my mother. For once I was glad because she was just the woman I wanted to talk to.

"Hello Mother," I answered cheerfully.

"Hello Damien, how's the house hunting going for Sunshine? Has she made any offers yet?" She asked hopefully. I loved seeing this side of my mother. Sometimes she could be a little overbearing but she has a really big heart.

"She saw a townhouse she likes but it was way out of her price range...But I think I found something better," I replied continuing to size but the Craftsman. "Mom, I know I should remember this, but how much did we end up paying for my house, including closing costs?"

(Sunshine's P.O.V.)

All I seemed to be able to paint at the moment was houses. It's like they had taken over my life. I was constantly searching for them on the internet. I was always checking local newspapers. I was dreaming about them. But even with the money I had managed to squirrel away, it felt like it was never gonna be enough. It just made me depressed.

I guess that explains of all the blue shades I have been using!

"Sunshine why so...Blue?" Joey asked over my shoulder as he stared at my painting.

"Am I that obvious?" I challenged.

"Well is there any other reason your painting is so monochromatic?" Joey teased.

"That's a big word! Looks like someone's been using the thesaurus I got them for Christmas," I stated smiling.

"How else do you think I grade these papers? I spend most of my time looking up their words to see if they're using them correctly," Joey stated as he began scribbling something on the students paper.

"I don't know, but I think we're out growing our loft," I sighed, once again dread about finding a new place filled my head. How was I going to find a new place that was within my budget, and already close to my I had already made here?

"Have you seen any other houses you were interested in?" Joey asked as he continued to grade his students papers.

"Everything is out of my price range," I replied. I felt like a broken record. "I'm supposed to go house hunting with Damien again this week."

"You two really have a weird definition of 'date'," Joey grumbled. "Whatever happened with going to the movies?"

"Joey, do I look like the movie going type?" I laughed as I continued to paint my little house. This new painting was a little Craftsman.

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