YHMH1-The Awkward Meeting

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Chapter 1...The Awkward Meeting

(Damien's P.O.V.)

I looked at my small cubicle with pride. I never thought this day would come. Today was the first day of my new job post law school. To say my career has had a rocky start would be an understatement. Then again making it this far spoke volumes to some people. The fact that it is my father's law firm didn't help me any, he made me start at the bottom just like everyone else. When my father told me I'd be working my way up the ladder. He had said something around the lines of, don't worry Son it builds character. That was fine by me. I was ready to prove myself. I'm sure if I had pushed the matter my mother would have fussed at him about being so hard on her baby, but I didn't want or need my mother fighting my battles.

"Damien are you all settled in?" I heard a voice  ask pulling me away from my thoughts. I turned around to see who was talking to me. "Damien, boy are you hard of hearing?"

"No Sir, you just startled me from my mindless wandering," I replied smiling. "Do you personally come by and greet all of your new paralegals or am I just special?"

"You're special alright, but can a father not just come greet his son on his first day of work?" my father laughed. I knew he was happy that I joined the family business. Plus now he could brag about both of his sons having nice careers instead of just Dawson.

"Dad I'm just messing with you," I stated smiling. "I truly am excited to be working here. I know it's going to be completely different from working on case studies given in class, but I'm ready to get my hands dirty." My father had the funniest look on his face. I couldn't tell if he was amused or about to burst of anger. I think it was pride.

"Son you don't know how much it thrills me to have you here. Well I'll let you get back to work, maybe I'll catch you at lunch," he conversed as he walked back to his office. 

"Sure thing!" I shouted in response. Today was going to be a good day.

(Sunshine's P.O.V.)

It was a lovely sunny morning, and I was headed to the park to set up shop. There were a lot of little shops downtown, and the park was the perfect place to catch commuters and tourists. Plus a sunny day like this, I could easily make a commission of 500 bucks. I set up my easel and canvas. Next my brushes, pencils, and paints.

"Good morning Sunshine!" one of my fellow artists shouted as they walked by me.

"Good morning, Tyrome!" I shouted back. There were several artists that set up shop around here. But I had known Tyrome the longest. You see he was painting here even when I used to visit as a child.

"What are you going to be painting today Baby girl?" he questioned setting his stuff down close to mine.

"Who knows. My mind is a fickle mistress and sometimes it's hard to inspire her. A lot of times I don't know what I'm painting until it's finished," I laughed.

"And just how do you know when it's finished if you don't know what you're drawing?" He laughed.

"My hands let me know," I chirped. "They just stop and it's finished."

"Young one you are such a free spirit. Never loose that!" he stated returning to his canvas. I did the same, and something caught my eye. Or should I someone?

I began to sketch the mystery man. He was wearing a suit, and his dark hair was styled so it was out of his face but you could tell if he didn't style it, it would be rugged. That's the thing that I liked about painting people. I always drew inspiration from people I've never met. I loved it because I got to make up their life story in my head. I've done it since I was a child. It's kinda like a game I invented to pass the time. That's what happens when you have an overactive imagination. The doctors I saw called it ADD, but I never listened to them...Painting was my escape. It has always had the ability to calm me.

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