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"Damit Sunny I need that alibi!" I yelled frustrated.

"Damien you know I can't give that to you, it would jeopardize everything I've worked so hard for," she replied brushing her hair out of her face. "Damien the state is shutting down the orphanage. You don't understand without my help they won't survive. Siblings will be separated, and the older kids will end up on the streets. They'd rather live there than bouncing from foster home to foster home feeling unwanted."

"Then that makes your alibi that much more important. If those kids look up to you then teach them to do the right thing!" I stated loosening my tie. I had been trying to get an alibi out of her for what seemed like hours now.

"It's so easy for you to judge, but you have no clue what it's like to be torn from your family. You have no idea how it feels to be alone, and so freaking helpless," she cried. A single tear fell down her face and she quickly wiped it away. This was the first time I had seen the vulnerable side of Sunny.

I knew I had to break through to her, and the one way to do that now was to share something deeply personal.

"You're wrong about me not knowing how it feels to be ripped from my own family," I started. I had slowly gained her attention and I knew I had to tread carefully. "My son was kept a secret from me the first two years of his life. At 2 and a half years old he was adopted by my brother and his wife. It wasn't until his third birthday that I saw him for the first time, and I was completely under the influence."

The look on her face was one I was all to familiar with shame. I knew that would shortly turn to disgust. 

"I didn't tell you that to feel sorry for me, or even judge me like you so obviously are. I told you to show you no one perfect, but just because we make a few mistakes down the road doesn't mean we don't have good intentions," I rambled. I felt like I was getting absolutely nowhere with her. "So if you do it for anyone, do it for the little boy that I'm trying so desperately hard to protect. Even if it is from a distance."

"Okay, I'll talk but you have to swear you won't use my alibi in court," she barked. "I hope you have plans tonight because it's a long story."

You Had Me At Hello (Book 3 Hello Series)Where stories live. Discover now