Chapter 5

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Two months later........
It's Sunday evening ,and it was a beautiful evening. I'm just alone....remembering the memories when Luhan and I were together. The truth is,he left me without saying goodbye. He didn't tell me why he just left. I hope he's doing great now wherever he is. I just can't move on,it's because I still love him. I really do. It's hard to accept the one you love is gone now.

I remembered one thing that I will not ever forget, he told me that he will marry me someday and love takes time. But where is he? Why did he leave me? I'll understand him if he will tell me his reasos why he just left me behind. It makes me mad and hurt at the same time. Stop it,Sehun. There's nothing you can do about it,it's finish.

I'm going to a party where Chanyeol invited me. I wore my blue polo shirt, black pants and my rubbershoes. I brushed up my hair to feel that I'm still handsome even Luhan is not longer enough without me. I'm just waiting for Chanyeol to fetch me.

*doorbell rings* I think it's Chanyeol  so I went out. "Woah..still handsome as ever, Sehun." He said. I just smiled at him. He brought his motorcycle. Just wow! A new motorcycle this time. "Sehun,here is your helmet." He gave it to me. And I put it. "Let's go." And, we're ready to go.

At the party......

The party was crowded. Many of them,drinking beers. Girls are dancing. Some are just chatting to their love ones. What kind of party is this? "Chanyeol,is this really a party?" I never heard this before. It's like a fun party that you can do whatever you want. I thought it was party,celebrating a birthday or something special about. "Are you kidding me,Sehun? This is a fun party. I'll just go ahead. See you later!" He said and went away. Just ugh...Nevermind. I must get a drink.

Until, Someone bumped me....and it was a boy. "Sorry,man." I looked up and it was my ......Luhan. He still has a pretty face but he is more handsome than me. "I gotta go." And, he disappered just like a bubble that pops out. He didn't realized me. Why? It's just two months when he's gone. Is he the Luhan who have changed already just for a bit? Who treats me a stranger? Stop it,Sehun. You're hurting yourself again. Just forget about him.

I get a glass of win and went to a table that is looks empty. I just want to be alone.. But, before I sit on the chair,there is someone sat already. A girl wearing a red dress until to her knee with a simple flat red shoes. She looks familiar. "Do you remember me, Sehun?" It made me suprised. She still knows me. Ofcourse,Sehun. It's just been a bit no other than Zheena the girl who wants me to be the father of her child but I don't like because I preferred Luhan the one I love. Ugh...

"Yeah..I remembered you." I said and sat beside her. She looked at me directly and leaned closer to me and  moved away far from her. She's still the flirty girl that I have ever known. She laughed. " you really think that I was going to kiss you?" I slap my mind. Stupid. "Nope..I just remembered someone." I said.

She took something in her bag and showed me a picture. I was really shocked. It's like an arrow that just put on my heart. I can't believe it. It was Zheena,her baby and Luhan. It says under, 'Happy Family.' No way! This can't be. Is this the reason why Luhan left me,but how? He hated her.

"Shocked. I told you a boy is for a girl not for a boy to boy." I tore the picture into pieces. They betrayed me. Luhan betrayed me. He told me that 'Love is not about the gender.' I just can't believe it that he will do it for me...

"Honey,let's dance..."A familiar voice that caught me to be back to normal. I looked up and it was Luhan again. "Do you remember me?" I asked him. Staring at him badly. "Oh,you're the man I bumped earlier. I'm really sorry." He said. Why can't he remember me? I pulled Zheena away from her. And, he looks so shocked of what I just did to Zheena. "Heyy,that's my wife." He told me and looks like he's going to punch me on the face. But I was wrong...."Sehun,please stop it." I pushed Zheena away from me and there was Luhan help her to stand up. He still remembered me. He's just acting that he don't know me at all.

I went to him and gave him a kick. It's because he betrayed me,he lied to me and he hurted me so much. "Is this the reason,why you just left me alone without saying goodbye? I did everything for you but you wasted them. You didn't care after all." I shouted at him. I should never do this but I can't help it. My heart is in pain. "Someday,you realized how you hurted me so much. You liar cheated boy. You liar-cheater boy. I'm not a toy for you to use me just like that. I'm a human." And,I take my leave. Then, someone hugged me from the back. It was him. He followed me. I pushed him away.

This is now the last that I will say goodbye to him. "Just forget about me,Lu.Thank you for everything. Zheena was right a boy should marry a girl not a boy to boy. Go back to her. You will be a good father to your family. Goodbye." I ran outside and sat on the bench and burst out all my tears. I let him go because I know that I'm not supposed to be with him. I really need to forget him. I really also need to marry a girl. I can do this.


Three years later......

"I'm locked out of heaven..." Playing my 5th best song. Guess what? I'm the CEO on my company. I have owned a building..and yet I'm still single. But, I have many friends, thanks to Chanyeol. Yeah,Chanyeol is my assistant. It's my break for 1 week just to rest. Then there's a knock on my door. Who might it be? Oooh..

It was Kris,Kai and Baekhyun. Holding shopping bags. "Sehun,may we come in? We brought you foods. And, we know you will really like it." Kai said. "Sure,you can all come in." I said. They went inside and placed the foods they bought at the dining table.

"I'm sure,your stomach is already growling." Kris said. Such a joker. We started to eat already. "Sehun,why are you still single?" Baekhyun said. It popped in my mind. I really don't know why I'm still it because I'm not still ready? Don't know. "I don't know either." Then, they laughed at me. They are always like that because they are my crazy friends. "Shut up." Deep inside I'm also laughing.

So,they stopped and continued to eat. They're like my babies. Like I'm their father. Lol. It's just a joke. It's just part of friendship. Sometimes,we acted like we're brothers,cousins and more.. "Oohh..Sehun..go with us tonight. We will watch a concert." Kris said happily. Hmm.. Let me think of it.

"Okay...I will go." Then they jumped in joy. "Woohhoo!" They said. They are really crazy. I love them.

To be continued....
Heyy! Guys! It's been a long time that I have updated. So here! What a sad chapter!

Thank you for the votes and comments. Hope to see more.

Just watch out on the next chapter.. Till the next chapter. Love ya!

|| lovexmexo ||

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