April 14, 1912 | 11.40 pm.

712 14 0

I was sleeping in his arms and didn't dream of anything. I was calm and happy; I have never been happier. As soon as this ship docks, I'll have to let Jack go. He is going to stay in America, but I will go to Wales with Harold. I didn't like the thought of my brother and me separating our ways, but he will leave with Rose, so he will understand that I want to leave with the man I love.

I didn't dream, I was just lying there, listening to his heartbeat and feeling his breath on my head. I didn't think anything would be able to ruin this perfectly quiet night and just in that moment I woke up from a shudder.

For a second, I thought I dreamt it, but since I didn't dream a single thing, I knew that this was real. I crawled out of the bed – Harold had a deep sleep, so he didn't wake – and tried to look out of the small window. I wasn't able to see much but I had the weird feeling that the ship collapsed with something.

Jack, I though. Where was he? The last time I spoke to him was at breakfast today. And later, I saw him and Rose standing at the bow, where I drew them. Were they together the whole evening? Where were they now? I had to go looking for them. I grabbed my jacket from the chair and threw on my shoes, then I woke Harold up.

"Wha – What are you doing? It's midnight", he complained.

"As if you didn't feel the shudder", I said.

The second I ended my sentence he sat up straight. "A shudder?!"

"Yes, a shudder. Just like the ship collapsed with something", I explained. "I believe you should better go outside to check this stuff and then help your colleagues."

"Of course. You stay here until I come back, understood?", he said.


"Pardon me?"

"I said 'no', Harold. I have to go finding my brother. As soon as I know he's okay I am okay", I said.

"I – Very well, find you brother. We'll meet on deck", he said and left the cabin.

If we ever see each other again, I thought.

I shook my head on that thought and ran out of the cabin. I jogged down to the A-Deck and then took the elevator down to B-Deck where I was running around, searching for Rose's suite. A few far to stuck-up first-class people were looking at me in an insulting way. Some of them even shouted that I have no reason to be here. But I ignored it, I had to find my brother. I had no idea what made me think he might be at Rose's suite, but my intention told me that, so I followed it.

I heard shouting when I approached further to the suite and I was pretty sure this voice I heard belonged to Jack. Just as I was about to step into the corridor, the door opened and a boatman dragged my brother out, handcuffed. He was shouting, that Rose would know he didn't do something, over and over again before I rushed to him.

"Jack", I said. "Hey, what is going on?"

The master of arms ignored me at first but then I pushed him. "What is going on?!"

"Kathy", Jack said, "I didn't steal anything. I swear."

I had no idea about what he was talking. "Steal something? Jack, what is going on?"

"Your dear brother", a male voice behind me said, "stole a coat and a very valuable and rare diamond."

I turned around and looked directly into Cal's eyes. "He didn't steal anything."

"How would you know? You weren't with him all day, were you?"

"No, I was not. But I know my brother and he didn't steal anything for God's sake!", I said loud. Then I turned around, seeing that the master of arms was pushing and pulling my brother to the elevator which was going down. "Jack!", I yelled. "I'll get you out of there!"

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