April, 11 1912

948 21 0

Jack put me on his back and together with Fabrizio he ran to the bow of the ship. He put me down as soon as we arrived. We leaned over the railing and looked at the wonderful blue ocean. The wind blew through our hair, that was a bit annoying with my long hair, but it was so extraordinary. "Hey, look, look, look!", Jack said and pointed at the water. There was a dolphin. "See it?"

"There's another one! See him?", I said and pointed at the second dolphin. We had the biggest smiles on our faces watching the dolphins.

"Look at that one! Look at him jump!", Jack let out a cheer. He stepped up at the railing while Fab and I leaned against the railing, smiling and cheering.

"I can see the Statue of Liberty already. Very small, of course", Fabrizio said, and I laughed. Jack stopped holding on to the rope, stretched his arms in the air and shouted as loud as he could: "I'M THE KING OF THE WORLD!"

We cheered. I stepped up at the railing as well, it felt unreal but so good. Jack and I connected our hand and cheered together.

In the evening we sat at the third-class deck outside and Jack and I were drawing. I drew landscapes, while my talented brother drew people, he saw them.

"The ship is nice, huh?", Fab said to another third-class passenger.

"Yeah. It's an Irish ship", the man said.

"Is English, no?", Fab asked.

"No, it was built in Ireland. 15,000 Irishmen built this ship. Solid as a rock. Big Irish hands", he said, and I smiled at him, he smiled back. "That's typical", he said when an officer brought some dogs to third-class, "first-class dogs come down here to take a shite."

Jack looked at him. "Lets us know where we rank in the scheme of things."

"Like we could forget?", I said, and the three men laughed.

"I'm Tommy Ryan", the yet unknown man said, and he shook hands with my brother, Fab and me.

"Jack Dawson."


"Kathy Dawson."

"Brother and sister?", Tommy asked Jack and me, we nodded. "Do you two make any money with your drawings?"

Jack didn't answer, so I did. "No." Then I looked to Jack who didn't show any reaction. He stared up to first-class deck, so I and the other two men followed his view. He looked at a first-class girl with beautiful red hair and a gorgeous dress.

Tommy was the first one who took his view of her. "Ah, forget it, boyo. You'd as like have angels fly out of your arse as get next to the likes of her."

Jack still didn't look away from the beautiful woman. She looked at him for a very short second. Fab and I waved our hands in front of his face, but he didn't show any reaction. We looked at each other and laughed.

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