April 12, 1912

926 20 0

"This is a really beautiful drawing, Miss", a voice said next to me. I turned my head and looked into the brown eyes of a man.

I smiled. "Thank you, Sir."

"With all due respect, Miss, but don't you get a headache when you're drawing in the dark?"

"I'll be fine. Before I got on Titanic I slept under a bridge and the lighting conditions here are way better."

"Oh, sorry. I didn't want to get into your privacy", he said insecure.

"Don't worry, officer. And anyways, I'm not a first-class girl. I'm in third-class so you don't have to be that formally with me, Sir." He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Are you 5th officer, sir?"

"Well spotted, Miss", he said, lightly chuckling.

"My name is Katheryn Dawson, but I'd like if you'd just call me Kathy", I held my hand to him. He took it and placed a light kiss on the back of my hand. I chuckled, so did he. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Dawson. Maybe I'll see you around on deck in the next days."

"I hope so, Mr., uhm", I looked at him questioning.

"Lowe. 5th Officer Harold Lowe", he introduced himself.

"Well, then. It was also a pleasure to meet you, Mister Lowe. And I hope I'll see you again", I said, and we smiled again.

"Good night, Miss."

"Good night, Officer."

Then he left. But just a few seconds later I got joined by my beloved brother Jack Dawson. We laid down on two benches, head on head.

"So, what is going on with you and that officer?", Jack asked amused.

"Uh, nothing. He just complimented my drawing", I told him.

"And why did you both grin over both ears?", he asked even more amused while he took out two cigarettes. One he gave to me and me lighted it, so did he.

"Maybe we SMILED at each other because we think that each other is very likeable", I emphasized the word 'smiled'.

"You and likeable? I'd think about that statement, K", he said chuckling.

"Oh, shut up, Jack", I moaned annoyed.

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