April 12, 1912

858 16 0

I woke up from a scream. I opened my eyes and I sat upright. I swung my legs down from the bench and stood up. I rub my eyes, ruffled through my hair and went to stern of Titanic after I heard another scream. I saw Jack, who leaned over the railing, he pulled up a girl in a beautiful red dress. It was the same girl he looked at this afternoon. He wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her over the railing. They fell on the floor. I wanted to ask what happened and wanted to help them but in exact this second a few quartermasters came and shoved me away.

"What's all this?", the quartermaster asked. He looked at Jack who was leaned over the first-class girl. Jack sat upright. The quartermaster looked from Jack to the girl who trembled with fear. Then he looked at Jacks shoes and his jacket which were laying on the side. Why did he undress his shoes and his jacket? However, the man looked at Jack, who had an anxious look on his face.

"You stand back and don't move an inch!", the quartermaster shouted, and pointed and Jack. Jack stood up with an irritated sigh and put his hands in the pockets of his pants. The quartermaster turned to me. "And what do you think you're doing, Mister?"

"I. I just wanted", I said trembling.

"You wanted what? You had fun with watching this happened? Fetch the Master of Arms", he told the other two men who came with him.

The Master of Arms came and put us both, me and my brother, in handcuffs. The first-class girl got wrapped in some blankets and she sat down on the bench. An old first-class man offered her brandy. Another man talked to my brother in one of the unfriendliest ways possible. "This is completely unacceptable! What made you think that you could put your hands on my fiancée?!"

Jack looked at the girl and her fiancée grabbed Jack by his shirt. "Look at me, filth!"

"Cal", the red-haired girl said.

"What do you think you were doing? And you", he turned to me, "what did YOU think YOU were doing?!"

"Cal, stop", the girl said, and tried to pull her fiancée away from us, "It was an accident."

He looked at his fiancée with unintelligible look. "A-An accident?"

"It was", she said, while her just about husband looked at Jack. She continued with a little chuckle. "Stupid really. I was leaning over and I slipped."

Jack and I looked at her with a questioning look. She returned a look to us and narrated more. "I was leaning so far over to see the, uh, uh, uh, the uh." She stuttered and swung her right index finger in a circle.

Her fiancée followed her finger and asked her if she meant the propellers, he twisted his eyes. She looked at him. "Propellers, and I slipped. And I would have gone overboard but Mr. Dawson here saved me. And almost went over himself."

"You wanted to see the... She wanted to see the propellers"; Cal laughed.

"Like I said, women and machinery do not mix", the man who offered the brandy said, what a douche.

The Master of Arms turned Jack to him. "Was that the way of it?"

Jack looked from the girl to her fiancée and said:" Yeah. Yeah, that was pretty much it."

"Well, the boy's a hero then", the douche said, "Good for you, son. Well done. So, it's all's well and back to our brandy, eh?"

The Master of Arms removed the handcuffs from Jack's wrists. I just stood there, my hands behind my back, tied together with handcuffs.

"Look at you", Cal said to his fiancée, "You must be freezing. Let's get you inside."

"Hey, Master of Arms", Jack said to the man who wanted to go away, "what about my sister here?"

"Yes, what about her?", Cal asked the girl.

"She, well, she."

"I was sleeping at that bench there", I pointed to it, "I woke up when I heard a scream, I thought I dreamt it but then I heard another scream and went to the stern. There I saw Jack pulling her over the railing and I saw when they fell on the floor. I wanted to help them, but before, I got shoved away."

"Yeah, whatever. Remove her handcuffs, Sir", Cal said. So, the Master of Arms did, and I shook my hands.

I looked at Jack and asked him in my thought what exactly happened. He indicated with a look, that he'll tell me later. Meanwhile Jack put on his shoes and his jacket again. Jack and I observed the red-haired girl and her fiancée talking, but I didn't understand what they were talking about.

Cal looked at us and suddenly walked to us. "Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow evening to regale our group with your heroic tale", he said to Jack.

Jack nodded. "Sure. Count me in. But only if my sister can also join."

Cal looked at me in an indefinable way. "Right, she can come too. Good. It's settled then."

Jack kept looking at the red-haired girl until he couldn't see her anymore. Then he whistled at the other man who was there. I guess he was the girl's bodyguard. The man came to us and Jack asked him if he could bum a smoke. The man held the cigarette box to Jack, and he took out three, one of them he put behind his ear, the other one he put in his mouth and the third one he gave to me.

"You'll want to tie those", the man said, clapping the box close and pointing to Jack's shoes. My brother looked to his feet.

"It's interesting", the man began, "the young lady slipped so suddenly, and you still had time to remove your jacket and your shoes." Jack and I watched him walk away.

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